Are you experiencing low back pain or hip pain? Did you know sitting positions can be causing your pain?
This week Princess and I did another Tuesday Health tip live facebook video. If you are not on our facebook page, make sure you follow us by clicking this link and click “Like”: Chiropractor Freehold NJ – Russell Brokstein.
Many of you experience back pain and hip pain or stiffness in these areas. I am always trying to explain different things you are doing that can be contributing to the misalignments that cause these symptoms. Most people sit all day at their jobs. These are 3 sitting positions that you should avoid to help prevent back and hip pain:
Please share this video with your co-workers, family and friends because it can help many people get relief of their pain.
Next week we will be going over something guys do when they sit that are causing severe imbalances and back pain so make sure you watch for next weeks FB live video or email when we share it with you. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch previous videos on stretching and health tips, just click here then click “subscribe”: Dr. Russell Brokstein’s Health Channel
Please share this video with your co-workers, family and friends because it can help many people get relief of their pain.
Next week we will be going over something guys do when they sit that are causing severe imbalances and back pain so make sure you watch for next weeks FB live video or email when we share it with you. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch previous videos on stretching and health tips, just click here then click “subscribe”: Dr. Russell Brokstein’s Health Channel
Sitting with your legs crossed causes low back and pelvic instabilities. The longer you sit like this, it is causing

straining on the joints, discs, muscles, tendons and ligaments. These sitting postures can also damage the supporting structures of your knees.
Please share this video with your co-workers, family and friends because it can help many people get relief of their pain.
Next week we will be going over something guys do when they sit that are causing severe imbalances and back pain so make sure you watch for next weeks FB live video or email when we share it with you. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch previous videos on stretching and health tips, just click here then click “subscribe”: Dr. Russell Brokstein’s Health Channel