Hometown Family Wellness Center

16th Holiday Annual Freehold Food and Coat Drive

We are now less than one week until Christmas and then we turn the page to another year.  I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. We have been very busy in the office.  It’s so much fun seeing everybody and watching our annual holiday Freehold food and coat drive build.  Thanks to those who have already brought in items to donate.  I did a little video about, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”:

The 16th Annual Holiday Freehold Food and Coat Drive
We will continue to collect food and coats until Dec 31st, then I deliver them to the local Open Door and St Peter’s.

This week’s health articles from 100 Year Lifestyle:
Do You Believe in Miracles? | The 100 Year Lifestyle
Artificial Intelligence vs. Innate Intelligence | The 100 Year Lifestyle
Vegan Lemon Pumpkin Pie | The 100 Year Lifestyle

Did you know?

Antibiotics and Depression
Why does this happen?

It has to do with your gut bacteria being wiped out completely and not doing anything (like probiotics AND anti-fungals) to replenish it. Roughly 90 percent of serotonin receptors are located in the gut. Well-known for its happiness-inducing qualities, serotonin is a neurotransmitter (or chemical) that relays messages from certain parts of your brain to others.

It’s a vicious, vicious cycle proven by science. It takes your gut ONE YEAR to recover from a round of antibiotics and eating yogurt isn’t going to fix it. The sugar could actually be feeding your Candida issue.

The gut and the brain are very connected. Heal the gut. Heal the body! Keeping your immune system and gut health in check can help keep you free from sickness that leads to expensive doctor visits and more antibiotics.

One day this will be common knowledge but for now industries that make billions from pharmaceuticals with possible side effects to treat depression think it’s a good idea to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Gut health is important to help you digest foods into small micro-nutrients to feed the body and cells.  The gut is also a major contributor to your immune system.

Need a probiotic/prebiotic/enzymes? We use the most powerful gut formula around! It has whole food, plant based enzymes along with stabilized probiotics for optimal results.

Message me for our fermented, whole food, plant based digestive enzymes with stabilized probiotics and prebiotics.

Anybody that is interested in putting the best supplement formulas into their body to optimize health and wellness, we have not only our digestive enzymes, but the most absorbed CBD Fluid (not oils which barely absorb and can cause liver damage), Emulin which helps control blood sugars, zeolite to help detox heavy metals, a formula with fulvic acid, humic acid, carbon 60 and activated charcoal to remove chemicals and toxins from your body, C DefenZ which helps boost your immune system with Vit C, D and Zinc.  Now until the end of the year if you buy in packs of 3 get 4 free, buy 6 get 6 free (Free items are from select products).

Need a gift idea for a family member or friend?  Get them my book, “The Next Health Revolution – A Natural Path To Revive Your Health and Maximize Wellness.”  You can pick up a copy in the office or  Click Here to Order.

Remember we will be celebrating in the office the weeks leading into Christmas and New Years!  The office is already decorated but get ready for snacks, hot apple cider and more.  
Want to win prizes?  Ask Donna or myself how to enter and win:  chiroflow pillow, TENs Unit, supplements, a copy of my book, a Dunkin Gift Card and grand prize a Gift Certificate for Dinner at a local restaurant.

Thank you for choosing me as your chiropractor!
To Your Health and Wellness
Dr. Russell Brokstein, DC

Help us make the Annual Freehold Food and Coat Drive Successful

Hometown Family Wellness Center Where Health is a Lifestyle

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