Every year our Freehold chiropractic office, owned by Dr. Russell Brokstein, holds a holiday food and coat drive. It is so important that we help makes the holidays and winter easier for the people that are struggling through difficult times. The

last several years people in NJ have suffered through many situations including Hurricane Sandy, the economy and other things not under our control.
I have been a chiropractor for the last 16 years and returned to my hometown of Freehold because it’s a great community to be a part of. I want to educate the public about pain relief, being more healthy naturally and enjoying daily activities throughout life. BUT… I also want to give back to the town I love with drives like our annual holiday food and coat drive called “Baby It’s Cold Outside”.
Lets help others have a more enjoyable holiday seasons! Read our press release by clicking here for details: Freehold Chiropractor Annual Holiday Food and Coat Drive. Or call us at 732-696-0770 to drop off clothes and or food items.
Watch the video of Dr. Russell Brokstein:
Our office, Hometown Family Wellness Center, is located at 9 Broadway in Freehold, NJ. And if you donate at least 5 items we will give you the gift of health with a gift certificate for a complimentary consultation you can use or give to somebody else. Make your health a priority in the new year! Health and wellness is a lifestyle.. it is not about waiting til you are sick and popping pills or opting for surgery. You too deserve to live a healthy, long and active lifestyle.
I am a member of our state chiropractic association, the Association of NJ Chiropractors (ANJC) which organizes this statewide event. We have chiropractic offices all over the state holding the same event. So if you are not in the Freehold, NJ area, you can go to the associations website by clicking here to find a chiropractic office near you participating in the drive. Help us make this years holiday food and coat drive another success!