Patients are looking for the best fibromyalgia treatment. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that can be debilitating and stressful. The patient is usually put thru treatments like physical therapy, dangerous medications, nutritional

recommendations or told they have to learn to live with the condition. The pain many times make it difficult to stick to a treatment plan of exercise and physical therapy.
So what is the best fibromyalgia treatment? More studies are showing that regular chiropractic treatment helps provide the relief fibromyalgia patients are looking for, allowing them to complete exercise and physical therapy programs. This also allows a patient to start enjoying life again.
A study done in 2009 took 55 females suffering with fibromyalgia. The patients aged 21 to 59 were split into groups that completed resistance training or received chiropractic adjusting along with the exercise. Significant improvement was seen in both groups. There was an decrease in pain and tender points associated with fibromyalgia. Strength gains were seen in both upper and lower body. Extremely important was the improvement of the participants to perform normal daily activities. There was a larger improvement in the group that received chiropractic care along with the exercise in post-functional flexibility, endurance and balance with coordination. It was found those patients that received chiropractic were more able to complete their exercise programs allowing for better response to treatment.
This fibromalgia study confirms that although exercise does ease the pain of fibromyalgia that by including chiropractic care in the treatment protocol improved adherence and dropout rates from the exercise facilitates greater improvements in functionality. This helps fibromyalgia patients have less pain and do more of their normal daily activities. When choosing a treatment protocol, chiropractic plus exercise is the best fibromyalgia treatment.
Freehold NJ Chiropractor, Dr. Russell Brokstein, has been helping fibromyalgia patients for the last 16 years and utilizes a combination of chiropractic and exercise as the best fibromyalgia treatment. Other recommendations in nutrition, stress reduction therapy and cleansing helps our patients get the most relief so they can once again enjoy activities they love to do.