Your gut health is so important to be healthy overall. They say around 80% of health problems originate in the gut. Most people have destroyed the normal healthy bacteria and enzymes in the digestive system. Eating processed foods, overcooking foods, having been on antibiotics several times during your life. This prevents the body from breaking down foods into the nutrients it uses throughout the body.
Poor gut health can also lead to many symptoms: fatigue, acid reflux, IBS, colitis, diverticulitis, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation, allergies, headaches, aches and pains, brain health and much more. I’m sure most of you experience a lot of these symptoms.
So, the question is, how do you get a healthy gut? In most cases it is quite simple!
Enzymes and Health
Without the life of enzymes we would be nothing more than a pile of lifeless chemical substances—vitamins, minerals, water, and proteins. In both maintaining health and in healing, enzymes and only enzymes do the actual work. They are what we call in metabolism, the body’s labor force. They are the workers responsible for every activity of life; even thinking requires enzyme activity.

In order to fully understand the importance of enzymes in health, we need to point out that each one of us is given a limited supply of bodily enzyme energy at birth. This supply, like the energy supply in your new battery, has to last a lifetime. The faster you use up your supply without replacing them, the shorter your life. The habit of cooking foods, eating processed chemical ridden foods, the use of alcohol, drugs and junk food, all draw out tremendous quantities of enzymes from our limited supply. A body in such a weakened, enzyme-deficient state is a prime target for cancer, obesity, heart disease and other degenerative problems.
The cooking of foods is the primary reason for such an enzyme depleted population in the U.S. Prolonged heat, over 118 degrees, kills 100% of the enzymes contained in foods. This means that if we are not consuming the enzymes needed to run our bodies, we will deplete our own supply and become deficient and contribute to the disease process. If we run out of the enzyme lactase, we become lactose intolerant. If we run out of the enzymes to digest carbohydrates, we become hypoglycemic or even diabetic. If we run out of the enzymes to digest fat, we become overweight or obese.
Whales, which carry a layer of fat up to six inches, yet have completely clean arteries, free of cholesterol; and the Eskimos, who sometimes eat several pounds of fat per day. Yet, medical officers in exploration teams unanimously found clean arteries and no obesity among them. The reason for this is because they both eat raw foods with a full complement of lipase, the fat digesting enzyme found in abundance in uncooked animal or vegetable fat. The repercussion of not eating enough raw foods and getting enough enzymes are endless, even if we “feel fine”. Some have dental carries, thin hair, approaching baldness, acne or allergies, headaches, impaired vision, constipation, fatigue, decreased brain function and so on for infinity. There are three classes of enzymes. Metabolic enzymes, which run our bodies; digestive enzymes, which digest our food; and food enzymes from raw foods, which start food digestion. Since good health depends on all of these metabolic enzymes doing an excellent job, we must be sure nothing interferes with the body making enough of them.
Probiotics and Health
We have all heard of antibiotics. The word means “against life”. Probiotics means “for life”. Antibiotics kill all of the bacteria, good and bad. So many times women can get a yeast infection, due to not having enough friendly bacteria to fight back. The easiest way to explain bacteria in your gut is to compare them to cars in a parking lot. Lets say your gut has 3 million parking spots. If all of those parking spots are not filled with the friendly bacteria that assist us in digestion and absorption of nutrients, then bad bacteria can take up spaces causing digestion problems. If the friendly bacteria take up all of the parking spots, then the bad bacteria will not have anywhere to park and cause problems. We should have up to 3 pounds of friendly flora if we are to be healthy. Most Americans have only half of this.
How Do I Find a GOOD QUALITY Enzyme Supplement?
If we are not eating enough raw foods that supply us with an adequate amount of enzymes, we will deplete our bodies own supply. Most supplements only contain enzymes that breakdown the major bonds in a food. They may only contain amylase, which breaks carbohydrates down to smaller forms such as maltose and lactose. But we also need the enzymes maltase and lactase to break them down completely to a form the body can use. Just as most supplements contain only protease, which will break down protein into only peptides. We also need peptidase though to fully break proteins down to amino acids, a form the body can use more easily.
We also need to look for certain characteristics when looking for a good probiotic. First, and most important, is to make sure you are getting stabilized bacteria, so they are able to get passed the highly acidic stomach. DDS-1 Lactobacillis acidophilis is a strain that should also be present in your probiotic choice. This is the most extensively researched and highly regarded strain of acidophilis in the market place today.
DDS-1 L. acidophilis also does the following:
• Inhibits the growth of 23 toxic producing microorganisms
• Produces enzymes such as proteases and lipases
• Produces B vitamins, particularly folic acid and B12
• Produces significant quantities of the enzyme lactase, alleviating lactose intolerance
• Enhances calcium absorption
• Helps reduce serum cholesterol levels
• Reported to be resistant to several common antibiotics
So, lets make sure your gut health is at its best!
We are now offering you the best formulas on the market to improve your health. This includes the best digestive enzymes and pre/probiotics. If you are ready to improve your health, email or ask us about the new functional medicine program we have. We have a symptom survey that you can fill out, then a Dr. Tim in Arizona will analyze it to recommend which formulas would benefit you the most.
Dr. Tim has used these with many people in many situations so allow us to help you get the best experience and results possible!
I am looking to help you, your family and friends be the healthiest without harmful medications or surgery. We have to make our health a priority. They say the greatest wealth is health!
Help our movement to educate others by sharing these emails, our posts on facebook and videos. This is so important as for the first time in our generation, life expectancy is lowering and more people are on prescription drugs. It’s not a coincidence.
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