Have you ever experienced dizziness or a lack of balance? Do you have ringing in your ears? Do you have a difficult time performing your daily activities or even just walking or standing in place because of these symptoms? If so you might be suffering from a condition called vertigo.

Twenty to thirty percent of the population suffers with vertigo most people don’t know where to turn to for resolution of this condition.
Many people suffer needlessly with vertigo. They go from one medical doctor and specialists to another, but rarely find the cause of the problem, then are put on different medications to see if one of them “hopefully” work. The reason this approach fails time and time again, not only for vertigo but for most health symptoms is that medical care is symptom based rather than finding the cause of the problem. If you are lucky, you might get some symptomatic relief, but each medication has a long list of harmful side effects.
Chiropractic takes a different approach. A chiropractor analyzes your spine which protects the most important system that controls all functions of the body = your nervous system. In the case of vertigo, the majority of the time the vertebra at the top of the neck are impinging on the nerves that result in ringing in the ears, dizziness, lack of balance and even other symptoms like headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, chronic tiredness, sinus troubles, ear aches and allergies. After doing a consultation and examination, a chiropractor can determine if misalignment of the vertebra or subluxations are a possible cause of your vertigo. Using specific chiropractic techniques, we then correct the subluxation to remove the pressure from the nerves that are likely causing the symptoms of not only vertigo but the others listed above.
One of our patients was suffering for months with vertigo and fortunately found the answer to her condition when she found our practice while doing a search on the internet. Listen to her story and experience getting vertigo relief with chiropractic:
If you or somebody you know suffers with vertigo, share this information with them. It can help them avoid needlessly suffering from this condition any longer so they can once again enjoy their normal daily activities.
Dr. Russell Brokstein is owner and chiropractor at Hometown Family Wellness Center located in Freehold, NJ. He has been helping patients obtain optimal health and wellness without drugs and surgery for over 14 years. For more information on our practice go to www.ChiropractorFreehold.com