It is cold and flu season! Do you dread feeling run down, congested, having a fever, headache, coughing up a

storm and a sore throat? There are some natural things you can do to help reduce your risk or help your body fight all year long. This could possibly be the most important thing you’ve ever read if you want to get healthy and stay healthy. Our natural immune booster is helping so many people around the country.
If you care about your health, your family’s health and what’s going to happen to them in the next few years, you’re going to want to read this entire article. No one is going to take better care of you than the person you see in the mirror. Not the spouse, not the children, not the girlfriend or boyfriend, and definitely not the doctor.
What a medical doctor does is he listens to you when you go into his or her clinic. They have you fill out some paperwork, wait for a long time, then have you go to a cold exam room. Then he/she will come in, sit down and take some notes based upon your symptoms. Symptoms are the last thing to show up and the first things to leave, especially if you’re getting medications.
You probably already know this but medications are given to you to do one thing. Help you with your symptoms. Not cure anything. They only suppress and just help MASK YOUR SYMPTOMS.
If you have a headache and you take some Tylenol, you might no longer feel the headache and you will tell someone your headache is GONE. It’s only because Tylenol does one thing: It MASKS YOUR PAIN!
That’s great, but you should understand something.
When your car has a check engine light come on or a red light telling you the oil is low or out, you are supposed to check the oil, not cut the wire to the oil sensor. If the check engine light is on, you will want to have your mechanic check the engine to find out what’s wrong, right?
With that said, let’s talk about the immune system and why you have to set it up to become a force to be reckoned with as a defense fighter. That means one thing. It has to be as healthy as possible.
Let’s start with a simple question.
What is the immune system and what is its function?
Summarized, your immune system is a complex network of organs, cells and proteins that defends your body against infection, disease, while it protects your body’s own cells.
Here’s something most people never realize.
Your immune system keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated — so it can recognize and destroy the germ quickly if it enters the body again. In other words, it has a built-in memory that you don’t even have to think about, which is pretty amazing.
Now I want you to think about this and then wrap your head around it, because this is important.
A human being is likewise a society of cells, with a coordinated defense.
Your circulatory system (the system that houses your blood), doubles as a communications network; your blood vessels have an “endothelial” lining—a surface that is charged with the intelligent routing of your immune cells.
These specialized cells in your vessel lining are loaded with smart immune cells that help your body fight off disease.
When ordinary cells are infected by a pathogen, (a pathogen is a bad cell that doesn’t like you healthy and is black when every other cell is red), these cells send signals to their neighbors, who pass them on until they reach the endothelial cells.
Did you get that?
They pass the signals on, kind of like a person passing a bucket of water to save a burning building.
In response, your blood vessels swell, naturally and automatically.
When this happens, this swelling helps create off-ramps through which white blood cells, which are part of your immune system’s circulating defense force, can flow toward the site of infection.
This is merely the beginning of your immune response. Remember, the immune system is there to fight off disease. It does it without you having to think about it, which is good.
Our bodies, like the United States government, makes a startlingly large investment in its defense system.
Your body does the same thing, day in and day out, automatically.
Here’s something else that happens naturally. Your bone marrow, the stuff inside your bones, produces Billions and Billions of immune cells each and every day, and then discards most of them.
What? Why is it discarding them?
Yes, it produces Billions of these cells then discards them for a reason.
Almost every one of your cells is perpetually scanning itself for evidence of invasion. It’s like you are getting scanned by the TSA at the airport. They’re looking for bad cells (them looking for bad people) that don’t have anything good to carry inside you.
The system I’m talking about… unfortunately, is complex! If you want to ask a microbiologist about immunology and they’ll talk to you, good for you.
Those who describe a person’s immune system, often resort to a metaphor.
Contemplating the enormous amounts of information that it collects and synthesizes throughout the body, scientists suggest that “the immune system can be regarded, above all else, as a computational device.”
What’s that mean?
Your immune system is far smarter and much more complex than any computer — currently in use.
This body we take for granted is so finely tuned that we seldom notice it at work. We don’t even think about what we’re doing to it on a daily basis until it finally says, “Enough is enough. Now you’re going to feel symptoms, so get ready.”
Our guts burble with foreign microbes outnumbering human cells roughly ten to one, but the good ones are seamlessly sorted from the bad; every day, some of our cells grow into cancers, but the immune system dispatches them before they become dangerous.
I hope you read that.
If you have a strong, healthy immune system your chances of getting cancer are a lot less. Just know the importance of this immune system that is working, 24/7 to help you stay as healthy as possible.
On a recent camping trip, there was a man that was bitten three times by some kind of insect while putting his arm into a jacket sleeve. Who knows what entered his bloodstream?
Almost immediately, three welts formed; a few minutes later, the welts came down.
In moments like that, it is easy to assume that we hold the advantage over the parasites, bugs, flus, viruses, bacterium, etc. There are a lot of bad things in the air, flying around so you have to keep your immune system in top shape if you want to avoid getting sick.
Make sense?

First off, most people have heard it’s essential to take Vit D because majority are deficient. This Vit is essential for the immune system and overall health. People run out to get Vit D but don’t realize it’s important to take Vit K with it and most products do not contain K in it. Our formulators have created a complete blend including Vit D, Vit K and Fermented CoQ10 with an organic vegetable and fruit blend, probiotics and plant enzymes as a natural immune booster towards a longer, healthier, happier life. “LONGEVITY BLEND”
Now, many people are still compromised from years of neglect. So, our formulators came up with another supplement to further enhance natural immune booster.
What I’m going to share with you are the full spectrum of ingredients that are in this specialized product called “IMMUNITY BOOST”.
This is one you’ll want to pay attention to learn more about and then start taking

on a daily basis, just like you would a cup of coffee or a glass of water.
Make a note of this. A healthy immune system can defeat invading disease-causing germs (or pathogens), such as bacteria, viruses, parasites—as well as cancer cells—while protecting healthy tissue.
Understanding how the immune system works and how we can help protect our bodies is essential to the fight against things like the COVID-19 pandemic.
The simple message is this: Keep your immune system in tip top condition by using this whole food organic supplement. IMMUNITY BOOST!
It has so many high-powered ingredients in it, ALL IN ONE. All designed to help boost your Immune System. Here’s what’s in it:
*Probiotic Blend
*Astragalus Root
*Echinacea Purpurea
*Beta Glucan
*Anti-Microbial Enzymes
*MGG (Magnesium Glycyl Glutamine)
*Immune Complex containing: Anise Seed, Elderberry Extract, Goldenseal Root, Green Tea Extract, Maitake Mushrooms, Shiitake Mushrooms, Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Leaf Powder, Shiitake Mushrooms, Turmeric Root, Licorice DGL, Lemon Balm
*An Enzyme Delivery System
This one supplement is loaded with whole food, plant-based nutrition. And it’s not just the ingredients, it’s the synergy of all the components working together.
If you’re ready to protect your health, your immune system and start to feel the best you have in years, now is the time to get your natural immune booster with LONGEVITY BLEND and IMMUNITY BOOST. You can order both as well as any of our other whole food, plant based supplements by Clicking Here