Over 80% of the population suffers with low back pain at some point. It is important to incorporate low back exercises into every treatment plan. These exercises are also very important for everybody to do to help prevent back pain.
The first part of treatment for back pain is getting an exam to find the underlying cause. There can be many sources of lower back pain. Sciatica, sprains and strains, pain, disc problems, muscle spasms are just symptoms. We have to

find the mechanical source:
- Are there subluxations of the lumbar or pelvic regions? If so, we have to adjust those joints to make sure they have optimal range of motion.
- Are there tight hamstrings, quadriceps and piriformis muscles? If so, we have to therapeutically stretch them and make sure they are balanced on each side.
- Do you have structural problems in your feet? If so, we need to adjust the feet and stabilize them with custom fitted orthotics. We use pelvic spinal stabilizers for optimal support.
- Do you have weak spinal stabilizing muscles? If so, we have to work on them to strength and stabilize.
Each area has to be worked on properly and in order. If not done this way, you can build up further imbalances. Many times low back exercises are done too early. When you do this, you are strengthening muscles to just splint an area. Unfortunately many physical therapists take this approach.
We want to strengthen the muscles to provide optimal support, motion, strength and prevent future problems.
With a treatment plan, our goal is to first get all of your joints moving at a full range. This also helps remove pressure from the muscles, discs and nerves. Then we want to make sure you have full flexibility. (please check out our 2 videos on home stretching by clicking either title: Low Back and sciatica stretching and Low Back, Hip and leg Stretching.) We also check to make sure the ankles, feet, knees and hips are aligned with optimal strength. Once this is done, it’s the best time to start incorporating low back exercises to build your core muscles.
Now that you are ready to work on exercising, we have put together a video of 4 simple low back exercises to help relieve and prevent pain:
I provide full instruction in the video. It’s very important that if you experience pain doing these low back exercises that you stop immediately. Please talk to me or your doctor if you are experiencing back pain. Otherwise, enjoy doing these exercises 2 to 3 days per week and see how much stronger your back is in just a short month. Then you can enjoy your normal daily activities and prevent future problems.
Please share this post with others. We can help so many people with such a simple exercise program.