Many patients experience immediate benefits of chiropractic for low back pain. Now there are MRI studies that help to explain why chiropractic is successful in providing low back pain relief.
When you experience low back pain, you most likely have restricted range of motion. Sometimes you might notice your posture is off with a slight lean to one side. The longer these conditions are left, degenerative changes start to occur in the discs and joints. Scar tissue starts to develop in the surrounding muscles, tendons, ligaments and in the joint spaces.
Research was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics in 2013 showing one of the

reasons patients experience immediate benfits of chiropractic. It was theorized that chiropractic adjustments increase gapping of the joint spaces. This gapping helps increase motion of the joints and break up the scar tissue adhesions.
In the JMPT study, 112 patients with low back pain were randomly split into treatment with chiropractic adjustments, side posture positioning or 2 control groups. MRI’s were taken when the patients were enrolled, after their initial treatments and after 2 weeks of treatment to measure the Z joints at L4/L5 and L5/S1. Pain and function levels were also measured.
At the onset of the study, side posture positioning showed the great improvement in gapping of the Z joints. The significant improvement showed after 2 weeks of chiropractic adjustments with additional therapeutic benefits adding side posture positioning for these patients. After treatment was done all groups showed improvement in pain relief.
Studies like this help prove why there is immediate benefits of chiropractic in helping patients relieve their pain. Chiropractic doesn’t just mask symptoms but actually gets to the cause of the pain. Chiropractic corrects the cause of the problem by improving function of the joints and supporting soft tissues.
Our Chiropractor in Freehold has been helping patients for the last 18 years by incorporating chiropractic adjustments and side posture positioning. We also utilize flexion/distraction technique to further help low back pain and herniated or bulging discs. Call 732-780-0044 for natural effective relief of your back and neck pain.