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Chiropractic Restores Normal Function in Failed Spinal Surgery
The March 19, 2007 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research reports on a case study involving a patient suffering from a failed spinal surgery that did not change his pain symptoms or restore spinal function. After a short course of chiropractic care, he experienced a return to normal function and alignment. Eleven months before his first chiropractic visit, the patient had experienced a work injury that caused him to have constant, severe low back pain with numbness down the left leg and into his foot. Occasionally, he would also experience numbness and aching down the right leg as well. Five months after the accident he underwent a double laminectomy that removed the back portion of two vertebrae to relieve the pressure on his spinal cord. He was prescribed a narcotic pain medication that he had been taking twice a day since the surgery. At his initial chiropractic examination he reported low back and left leg pain measuring an 8 on a 0-10 (10 being the highest pain level) pain scale. In addition, he registered a 74% disability on the Oswestry chronic low back pain disability questionnaire. His low back range of motion was severely restricted in all aspects and his left Achilles reflex was absent. His X-rays indicated serious misalignments and the resulting distorted posture. The patient was placed on a 3 visits per week schedule and re-examinations were performed every 12 visits. On the first re-exam, the patient’s pain level had dropped from and 8 to a 2 and the disability rating had decreased from 74% to a 40% disability. Range of motion greatly improved and the Achilles reflex was beginning to return. After nine-months of chiropractic care (108 visits), his pain level dropped to 0, range of motion was within normal limits and the Achilles reflex was present but reduced. At this point, the patient also reported that he not longer needed to take the pain medications. His X-rays revealed that his spinal misalignment had improved significantly along with the resulting postural distortions. The average cost of a laminectomy is $82,614. Considering that 15% of spinal surgeries fail, costs can run as high as $500,000 including repeat surgeries and ongoing disability. This patient spent $4,188 on chiropractic care that restored normal function and removed the symptoms the surgery failed to resolve.
Do you know someone who is needlessly suffering?
Mental Health, Stress and Chiropractic Care – Is There A Connection?
A Case Study
Patient With General Anxiety Disorder Improves Under Chiropractic Care
The September 20, 2004 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research highlights a case study of a 19 year-old woman diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) who radically improved under a course of chiropractic care.
When the patient began her chiropractic care, she was experiencing common symptoms of anxiety disorders: dizziness, trembling, sweating, heart palpitations, sleeping problems, lack of concentration and headaches. As a result, she had endured multiple emergency room visits, medical referrals, medical procedures and expenses. Treatment with Paraxetine (Paxil) caused numerous side effects and little relief. The patient reported that this decreased her Quality of Life and stressed her family relationships.
Her health history revealed that she had numerous physical, chemical and emotional stresses. She had been in multiple car accidents, suffered childhood emotional abuse and smoked daily for the previous two years.
Numerous areas of vertebral subluxation were discovered upon examination along with altered spinal curves in her neck and upper back.
After her first adjustment she reported a 50% reduction in anxiety, a 30% reduction in headache symptoms and more movement in her neck.
After a four-month course of care, she had successfully discontinued her medication, noted an 80% reduction in anxiety symptoms, a 90% reduction in her headache symptoms and an improved Quality of Life.
Anxiety conditions cost U.S. consumers $42 billion annually in expenses and lost production. The authors conclude that various health care disciplines would be wise to work together and “explore the full range of factors, including vertebral subluxation, which may contribute to negative changes in mental health.” They “also call for research funding to direct attention to studying the benefits, safety, and cost effectiveness of subluxation correction in mental health.”
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Chiropractor in Freehold NJ Holds Annual Holiday Food and Coat Drive
Chiropractor in Freehold NJ, Dr. Russell Brokstein is holding his Annual Holiday Food and Coat Drive called Baby It’s Cold Outside. Watch this video of Dr. Russell telling about this important community event to help others during the winter months:
I moved back to Freehold to give back to the community I grew up in. Bringing natural health and wellness through chiropractic was just one was I wanted to help the people in the Freehold area. As a doctor I enjoy educating the public on how to make their health a responsibility and priority rather than just taking medications. Also as a health figure in the town, I feel it’s important to help others who are in need. Many of us celebrate during the holidays but we need to remember there

are many who are suffering without food or proper clothing during the cold winter months.
As a chiropractor in Freehold NJ I would like to challenge others in the town and surrounding areas of Marlboro, Manalapan, Howell, Colts Neck, Jackson and Morganville to bring in non-perishable food, coats, jackets and other clothing to help make a difference for others this holiday season. I will be collecting items from now until the first business day of the new year. So please take the time to bring something by. As I said in the video, anybody that donates at least 5 food and or clothing items, I will give you a gift of health in return with an offer for a complimentary health and wellness consultation you can use for yourself or give to somebody as a gift.
Happy Holidays everybody and have a Happy and Healthy New Year from your chiropractor in Freehold NJ, Dr. Russell Brokstein and Hometown Family Wellness Center. For more info about our practice: click here
Freehold NJ Chiropractor Explains the Best way to Prevent Back Pain
Our office, Hometown Family Wellness Center located in Freehold, NJ sees many patients that suffer with lower back pain. Over 80% of the population experiences back pain and many wonder how to prevent their pain from worsening or reoccurring. A recent literature review revealed that exercise may be the most effective way to prevent pain.
Previous 20 scientific studies were reviewed that tested various interventions for preventing back pain including exercise, patient education, training in safe lifting methods, stress management, and more.
The only intervention which tested consistently producing substantial relief was exercise. In one study, active patients had 127 fewer sick days than inactive patients. Most exercises focused on strengthening back and abdominal muscles.
It’s important that before starting any exercise program to be evaluated by a chiropractor that specializes in sports and exercise therapy. Many people exercise, but they don’t realize they have joint and muscle imbalances. When you exercise with these imbalances, your joints and muscles aren’t functioning optimally and you are further enhancing the misalignments or at best splinting the unstable areas.
Exercise is a critical component of chiropractic care. A combination of chiropractic adjustments and exercise not only significantly relieves back pain for many patients but also helps preventing future problems from occurring. The adjustments bring the joints to improved alignment and allow for optimal range of motion and more equal contraction of the muscles for best stabilization.
Dr. Russell Brokstein, Chiropractor and owner of Hometown Family Wellness Center helps his patients develop a safe, effective exercise program to prevent and reduce pain. We start off with chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic stretching to provide for full range of motion before beginning strengthening exercises. Here is a video of the basics in our home stretching routine for the low back:
This is just the starting point to preventing low back pain and helping those already suffering. To learn more about natural back pain relief, go to our website www.chiropractorfreehold.com or contact our office at 732-780-0044 to get a full evaluation for spinal problems.
Bigos S, Holland J, Holland C, Webster J, Battie, Malmgren J. High-quality controlled trials on preventing episodes of back problems: systematic literature review in working-age adults. The Spine Journal 2009; 9: 147-168.
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