Many people are looking for an answer to their weight loss. The bulging at the belt is running rampant around the world. You my have tried diet after diet to lose some weight or have regained the weight and then some. Dieting is a failed process as in most cases it’s just about counting calories. There is a lot more to dieting than calorie restriction. One has to look at the quality of the nutrition as well as consumption of coffee and other caffeine products as well as hormonal balance.
The weight and obesity epidemic is leading to higher incidences of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancer and other illnesses. It’s important to make lifestyle changes and address the real cause of the increasing waist lines.
In our office we take a multiple pronged approach to help people lose weight and be more healthy. We take a look at what your current eating habits are. We can measure your body to see how toxic it is. The body stores more body fat the more toxic you are. Everything you eat, breath and drink has chemicals in it. These chemicals overload the natural filtering organs. The toxins build up and trigger your body to store more body fat. Body fat is used to protect the organs and other tissues. When you just reduce calories to shrink your body, those toxins become more concentrated. This tells the body to store more body fat. This is why many people that diet stop losing weight and get frustrated. In our program we use nutritional cleansing that works down to the cellular level. By reducing the toxins you lose the weight gradually and bypass the plateaus common with a traditional diet. Giving your body the nutrition it needs to succeed and removing the impurities improves your health, reduces the body fat, increases your lean muscle and NO REBOUND weight gain.
We also address your adrenal glands. They help balance the 4 main hormones: adrenaline, norepenephrine, cortisol and DHEA. Two products many people consume destroy these glands. Most coffees are highly processed, very acidic and contain high levels of caffeine. Not only does it increase your toxic levels but it reduces the function of the adrenal glands. When your cortisol levels are affected it leads to weight gain and diabetes. Other conditions caused by adrenal problems are heart conditions, digestive issues, allergies, immune problems, joint problems, PMS, menopause, libido issues and much more. This happens from the caffeine in coffee and other products you consume. Sugar and other refined carbohydrates also affect the adrenal glands. We can easily test your adrenal glands and if they aren’t functioning we cut out caffeine and reduce the refined carbs from your intake. We then start working to bring your adrenal glands back to functioning to help balance your hormones and be more healthy.
Our nutritional cleansing program also incorporates intermittent fasting which more studies are showing how beneficial this is to healthy weight loss, curbing cravings and rebooting your metabolism. Dr. Mercola published an article about these benefits and you can ready more by clicking: intermittent fasting.
We recently had a couple share their results with us. I love a couple that cleanse together transforming their body and health together. Before starting the program they reported always being tired, high cholesterol, knee problems and being overweight.

7 weeks into the program they are healthier, thinner, happier, and stronger! She lost 16 lbs and Husband lost about 27 lbs 7 weeks so far. She says, this is what I’m getting from people “You look radiant” “You’ve lost a lot of weight, you look great!” “You look good mom” “You have lost a lot of weight; you go girl!” “That dress looks so nice on you; you look thin” etc. etc. My answer “I am cleansing, and I feel better than ever!” I will keep spreading the word and never give up!
Our nutritional cleansing program provides the solutions people are looking for. If you are ready to make your health and life a priority give us a call at 732-780-0044 to get started. Are you ready to take control of your health?