Hometown Family Wellness Center

Freehold NJ Chiropractor Provides Natural Treatment for Pregnant Women Suffering with Migraines

Many women suffer with headaches during pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimesters.  Earlier on in the pregnancy, the headaches are more associated with hormonal changes, but as the pregnancy continues the headaches are more associated with poor posture.  During pregnancy,  the spine can become misaligned due to an increase in weight, poor posture and pelvic changes.  A misaligned spine is one of the most common causes of migraines.

A recent case study suggests that chiropractic care can significantly relieve migraines in pregnant women, naturally without medications.  This is important as a woman that is pregnant should not be taking medications not only due to the side effects on herself, but they can significantly affect the health of the baby.

The woman in the study had been suffering with migraines since childhood.  During her pregnancy, the symptoms worsened in intensity and frequency. After trying various conventional and alternative therapies with no success, the woman decided to see a chiropractor and agreed to participate in the study.

The patient was treated with a combination of chiropractic adjustments, massage, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes.  After ONLY one week of treatment, her migraines became significantly less severe in intensity and frequency, and her reliance on pain medication decreased dramatically.

This study suggests that chiropractic combined with other natural therapies can provide safe, effective treatment for migraines, without the adverse effects of drugs.

Not only is chiropractic safe for pregnancy headache relief, but there are many other benefits of chiropractic for both  mother and baby.  Misalignments of the pelvis during  pregnancy can reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby and prohibit the baby from getting into the best “presenting” birth position therefore making the delivery of the baby more difficult.  Chiropractic care has also been known to create a healthier environment for pregnancy, reduces the amount of nauseousness, provides relief with neck pain and lower back pain, reduces the amount of time in labor and delivery and reduces the likelihood of c-sections.

Many women are thankful to have been under chiropractic care during and after their pregnancies and all women should try chiropractic to benefit their pregnancies too!  If you are pregnant or know somebody who is pregnant, share this information with them.

Dr. Russell Brokstein is a chiropractor in Freehold, NJ at his office Hometown Family Wellness Center.  He has been helping patients for over 13 years benefit with chiropractic and other natural health and wellness techniques so you can enjoy a health lifestyle without drugs and surgery.  For more information go to our website by clicking here:  www.ChiropractorFreehold.com

To get natural treatment for migraines, call our office today to schedule a consultation.


Alcantara, Joel and Martine Cossette. “Intractable migraine headaches during pregnancy under chiropractic care.” Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2009; 15: 192-7.


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