As a Freehold NJ chiropractor I am always looking for amazing content for the public about healthcare. There recently was a documentary put together called “Doctored“. This is information everybody in the United States needs to see. Click this to see the trailer for the movie:
Medicine is far from healthcare! It is sick care and the American public needs to be made aware of what is going on with the medical profession and Big Pharma. Your health is not the priority to these associations and organizations. It’s all about the money.
Our country uses the most medicine and surgery out of the almost 40 developed countries and yet our healthcare is rated DEAD LAST! We are a small percentage of the world’s population, yet we use over 70% of the world’s prescribed medications. If these drugs and procedures were so great… why does our health lag behind those countries that don’t use this stuff!
One of the biggest goals as a Freehold NJ chiropractor is to educate the public about healthcare. Not the sickcare we have been brainwashed with for way too long. Unfortunately we are leading more into the sickcare system with the imminent implementation of Obamacare.
To truly improve the health of this country, we need to make health a priority. Chiropractors are educated to be at the forefront of this movement of health and wellness. We do not cover up symptoms with harmful medications that just cover up symptoms and lead to a vicious list of side

effects. We do find the cause of the underlying imbalances. We help you improve by addressing the 5 tenets of health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental well being and most importantly the system that controls all functions of the body… The Nervous System!
PLEASE, take the time to check out the trailer I shared above and go watch the movie Doctored! Share this information with everybody you know and care about. This is about your health and being able to live a long, active lifestyle that you deserve. There is so much to enjoy in life and in this wonderful world we live in.
If you live in Central NJ, contact me to be your Freehold NJ Chiropractor so I can help you and your family obtain the optimal health and wellness you deserve.