Hometown Family Wellness Center

Happy New Year and Another Successful “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

Happy New Year everybody!  2017 is here and time for us to refocus on our health and wellness.  Every day is a new start to set goals to accomplish for the day.  It’s much easier if we set small goals each day.  

Every New Year people set resolutions and never get started on them or give up after just days to a couple of weeks.  It’s best to take baby steps.  Some easy basic steps are to commit to drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day.  Try cutting out caffeine and sugar from your diet.  Sugar and caffeine are addictive.  They also lead to many health issues.

This year we also held our annual holiday food and coat drive.  For the last 10 years Dr. Russell Brokstein has been collecting non perishable food and coats to help those less fortunate.  Watch Dr. Russell in this short New Year video:

So, lets get started on making the New Year even better.  I’m here to help you every step of the way!  Let me know if you need some motivation.

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