NJ Health Insurance is ripping off patients year after year. Your premiums seem to go up each year but your benefits get less and you have to pay more out of pocket. Insurance is getting more and more difficult. It gets frustrating for you the patient and us the health care providers.
Each year, many insurances are putting more stipulations preventing patients from getting the care they need. This year, Aetna has added a precertification process onto 10 to 20% of their policies for treatment such as chiropractic, physical therapy and other forms of care. This is not something the provider did. Sadly, myself and other providers

are getting blamed by patients because their NJ health insurance policies aren’t approving care.
I am doing everything I can for these Aetna patients as well as other insurances that require a precertification. The hard thing is, most NJ Health insurance policies state they DO NOT cover maintenance. So these insurances are trying to prevent you from using your insurance to help maintain your health and prevent future problems. This is absurd because we all know that prevention and maintenance actually cuts health care costs.
Also, if you are paying a premium that says you get 12, 20, 30, 60 or however many visits per year… they are getting away with preventing you from using the visits you pay for!
Now for the VERY IMPORTANT NEWS! If you have had enough of the insurance industry doing precertification requirements on your insurance. And if you think this doesn’t affect you, don’t be foolish to think it’s not coming your way. If Aetna is doing this for the first time this year to 10% or so of their policies, be sure they will increase that number each year. Cigna already does this to 100% of their policies! Don’t think BCBS, United Healthcare and most other insurances won’t start this soon!
To help prevent this, the NJ government is actually trying to protect you the patient! There is a bill sitting on Governor Murphy’s desk waiting to be signed to make it illegal for these insurance companies to require precertification! Here is an article I hope you all read: Your Insurance Company Could Hold Up Or Deny Your Treatment!
You must take action! Please take a minute and Call Governor Murphy, 609.292.6000 & insist he pass A-4613, which ends preauthorization. This has to stop where insurance companies control your treatment when you try to use your insurance. Power in numbers! Flood his office with calls!
Thank you ahead of time for those who make calls! Please share this with everybody you know!