High blood pressure affects around 1/3 of the US. This puts many at risk for stroke, heart disease and many other health conditions. Medical doctors take their patients’ blood pressures and many people get screened for blood pressure at health fairs. If the values are high, medication is pushed to treat the condition. Now doctors are pushing medications to prevent conditions like hypertension and high cholesterol. The problem with medication is they do not correct the underlying problem. If patients are educated about what causes high blood pressure and how to correct it we can lower blood pressure naturally. Some non drug solutions include: exercise, stress reduction, weight loss, and modification of diet. Over the years there

has been a growing amount of research that shows you can lower blood pressure naturally with chiropractic.
Previous studies have shown the positive effects of chiropractic to lower blood pressure naturally. By adjusting the cervical spine, pressure is removed from the areas of the nervous system that help regulate blood pressure and anxiety.
One of the leading chiropractic institutions, Sherman College of Chiropractic, performed a study of 58 African American over 40 years old with hypertension. The patients received chiropractic treatment for various spinal conditions and their blood pressure was monitored 3 times during the course of the study.
The diastolic blood pressures significantly decreased in patients that had BMIs lower than 50. Those patients that were severely obese with BMI over 50 didn’t experience the same reduction in blood pressure. This lead researchers to suggest that the more severely obese a patient is, the chiropractic treatment has less of an effect of lowering blood pressure. The preliminary findings suggest that regular chiropractic care resulted in lower blood pressure naturally in middle-aged African Americans. Since results support earlier studies, it helps further confirm that patients can lower blood pressure naturally with chiropractic.
Several years ago there was even an episode of Good Morning America that discussed the benefits of chiropractic in lowering blood pressure. Be cautious listening to Dr. Tim Johnson, MD and check out some questions I would ask Dr. Johnson below the video… Watch the GMA clip:
As Dr. Johnson states.. there is a significant reduction in how chiropractic can lower blood pressure naturally. I would like to ask Dr. Johnson who says it was only one adjustment and only kept the blood pressure down on average of 8 weeks. Dr. Johnson… if you prescribe one pill for one day to a patient with high blood pressure, would you ever see that patient’s blood pressure drop? NO! SO HOW CAN YOUR DRUGS COMPETE WITH CHIROPRACTIC THAT AVERAGES A 17 POINT DROP IN THE STUDY WITH ONE ADJUSTMENT! Dr. Johnson, can you answer me how many side effects are there to the medications you prescribe for high blood pressure? TONS AND TOO MANY TO LIST! And Dr. Johnson, what will happen if you take your patients off their medications? THEIR BP WILL SKYROCKET BECAUSE MEDICATIONS DO NOT CORRECT THE CAUSE OF THE HIGH BP!
Finally Dr. Johnson, you are a medical doctor, how are you qualified to determine if chiropractic can help a patient since you are not educated in health, wellness and how the body works? YOU ARE NOT DR. JOHNSON BECAUSE YOU ARE A MEDICAL DOCTOR TRAINED IN OVER MEDICATING THE AMERICAN PUBLIC!
The medical profession and Big Pharma are scared for the public to find out about these studies. When people find out chiropractic can help lower blood pressure naturally along with helping other health conditions, these doctors and pharmaceutical companies won’t be able to drug the public and make them reliant on medications.
I have seen how chiropractic can help lower blood pressure naturally. My first experience was while working in Life Chiropractic College’s clinic as a student. I had a patient who had severe hypertension for over 40 years! His doctors put him on every medication concocted by pharmaceutical companies and not one of them lowered his blood pressure. Yet, they kept him on the drugs which all have detrimental side effects on health! His blood pressure was still 200/140! That’s what I call a ticking time bomb!
A full history and examination was taken on the patient. We began a course of chiropractic treatment and lifestyle modifications. After the very first chiropractic adjustment, we took the patient’s blood pressure and immediately his blood pressure was lower almost 20 points! After 2 weeks of treatment, the patients blood pressure was significantly lower at around 170/100. Still above normal, but much improved compared to his medical treatment of 40 years. Not surprisingly when he got checked by his medical doctor, the doctor told the patient it was just coincidence and that he should stay on his medications (that never had any positive effect). This is all about money and not what’s in the patient’s best interest! Quite scary!
Chiropractic addresses the nervous system which we know controls all functions of the body. By removing pressure from the spinal cord and nerves, we can allow the body to function more optimally and be more healthy naturally without the side effects of medications that mask symptoms. When a chiropractor adjusts the cervical spine and other segments related to blood pressure, lower blood pressure naturally is a common result. If you or somebody you know has high blood pressure and would like to experience the benefits of chiropractic, contact a chiropractor near you. For more information about Dr. Russell Brokstein and Hometown Family Wellness Center in Freehold, NJ click here