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During my 26 years in practice I am always looking for the cleanest and most natural supplements to use for myself and recommend to my patients. The supplement industry isn’t well regulated and one has to know what to look for. Thru my research I have found these plant based supplements and medical grade liquid collagen to provide optimal results. Below I discuss with you each product and benefits. At the end I will tell you how to get yours.
1) Digestive Blend – Fermented, Whole Food, Plant Based Digestive Enzymes with Stabilized Probiotics
Great Health Begins with a Healthy Digestive System.
Our favorite digestive formula with full spectrum enzymes, probiotics, probiotics and unique delivery system to get the best absorption! You are not “you are what you eat”! You are what you digest and absorb.
Absorption and assimilation is a very complex process involving many things, and is considered one of the most important processes in the body affecting almost everything!
Know anyone with heartburn, lactose intolerance, fatigue after meals, bloated, gluten intolerance, abnormal blood work, sugars, proteins, fats, robbing minerals from hair, skin, nails, etc etc? Enjoy!
2) Epic T –
Both men and women have hormonal imbalances that effect overall health and can cause many symptoms. Every day you are bombarded with hormone disruptors in your foods, cosmetics and chemicals in the air.
Many people are treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Giving the body hormones it should be producing on its own, only shuts down organ production more, creating a bigger problem that will eventually need addressing, while increasing risk of other dysfunction/diseases….
What if there were a safe and causative solution to get the body manufacturing more?
My colleague and friend, Dr Tim Harrigan is a functional medicine practitioner and he studies how specialized food molecules balance our hormones and inhibit bad molecules like estrogen and dihydrotestosterone conversions.
Women and men all need help with this.
Clinically studied, safe and effective, more certifications than anything you have ever seen…
You can Reclaim Your Hormonal Health Without Risking Dangerous Side Effects of HRT!
Read more in my blog by clicking here: The Low Testosterone Epidemic Affecting Men AND Women!
3) Warrior Water –
Organic Toxsick Detoxifier – The World’s BEST, All-Natural, Organic Blend of compounds and chemicals that help safely remove toxins and chemical stressors from your body and counteract the 500+ chemical toxins you come in contact with daily.
Warrior Water contains Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid, Carbon 60, Activated Charcoal and Zeolite. It is formulated in perfect ratios to help detoxify the body, removing chemicals, heavy metals and parasites. Did you know Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid are great to clean up Glyphosate from your body?
You can pick up Warrior Water in my office. Get $5 off your first bottle or $30 off 3 bottles. (offer only good in office.) Or you can find out more and order Online Here.
Want to learn more about toxicity, warrior water and its benefits and how to use it? Message me for our Warrior Water 101 report.
4) Recovery Enzymes and Recovery Enzymes 2 –
Reduce reliance on pain meds, anti-inflammatories. Our favorite formula and why we don’t use NSAIDS!
Comprehensive formula containing many plant based ingredients to help inflammation, and eat up rogue proteins in the blood! NSAIDS have more side effects than people realize. Enjoy!
5) Hydrate Electrolyte drink –
Most people are dehydrated and you are likely too! If you are dehydrated, you can be more stiff, fatigued, achy, heal more slowly, brain fog, increase headaches, dizziness, muscle cramping, rapid heart rate and breathing, increased digestive issues and much more. Simply hydrating can make you feel so much better. Watch my video explaining with a demo of what is happening to your muscles and soft tissues if you are dehydrated.
It is now known that just drinking water isn’t enough to optimize hydration. Salts and electrolytes are important to increase absorption of water. That is why you have all these electrolyte drinks. Unfortunately, most are toxic, have artificial colors, flavors and artificial sweeteners. I have found what I consider the best electrolyte drink.
Hydrate provides superior hydration with key essential electrolytes that replenish lost nutrients during daily activity more effectively than water alone.
- Contains 1625+ mg of electrolytes, 3× the amount found in traditional sports drinks.
- Replenishes essential electrolytes faster than water alone, ideal for maintaining proper mineral balance.
- Aids rehydration and recovery post-workout and daily activities.
- Supports healthy intermittent fasting.
- Contains 0g of sugar and is only 0-10 calories.
- Made with natural ingredients. No artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners.
To get Hydrate, you can order online, click here Hydrate
6) Marine Collagen Elixir –
Marine Collagen is more beneficial than bovine, pork and chicken sources. The marine collagen is from wild caught deep sea fish sourced in the deep cold waters off of Norway. Marine collagen resembles human collagen more than the other sources, making it 1.5 times more bioavailable. The National Institute of Health (NIH) released a study linking Type 1 marine collagen to benefits for arthritis.
The Vit C included in the elixir makes this collagen 133% more bioavailable and extends the benefits out over 8 hours. Enhanced with Vit C, zinc and biotin helps the body’s natural synthesis of collagen.
By far the best collagen I have used in my practice, with family and many many patients! We have never seen such fast and long lasting results with any other collagen out there!
Marine collagen elixir provides a natural way to take control of your beauty, keeping both the inside and outside of your body healthy and renewed.
- Improves skin elasticity and hydration
- Reduces wrinkles
- Longer, stronger hair and nails
- Strengthens bone, joints, discs, muscles, tendons and ligaments
- Supports healthy wound healing
- Protects against injury
- Better sleep and mood
Our Marine collagen elixir can be purchased at: Beauty Afterglow Bundle – Collagen Elixir Drink – Isagenix
7) Adrenal Support for Energy Boost and Stress Relief –
Brain food! Energy! Clarity! B vitamins, Lion’s Mane mushroom! Powerfully good!
Our favorite Energy/Brain Food formula. Many people suffer with adrenal dysfunction. Watch our short video: Is Adrenal Fatigue the Secret to Your Symptoms?
Take 1-3 after every meal, except dinner.
*I take 2 with breakfast and 1 with lunch.
If you feel you need an extra boost, take an extra 1 (or 2) in between meals. You may also get a niacin flush, so don’t panic:-). This happens with some people with niacin and is extra blood flow to the surface of the skin. Extra blood flow is a good thing!
8) Daily Multivitamin –
Improve your nutrient intake and support daily function with Balance. An exclusive combination of whole foods packed with phytonutrients, patented amino-acid chelated minerals, and an antioxidant blend all work together to help you live balanced.
Most of you take a multi vitamin from stores that are synthetic, toxic and hard to digest. Balance is plant based to provide optimal absorption and what your body needs. Balance includes a robust blend of over 40 natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support your lifestyle and help fill in the gaps your diet is lacking.
If you would like any of our products, you can go to our order site:
If you would like a specific protocol to follow, ask for our complete full body symptom survey that once you fill out, we can analyze to make recommendations for you.