Just like you have dental hygiene to help your teeth be healthy, we have spinal hygiene. You do not wait until your teeth hurt or rot out! You start brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouth wash daily and going to the dentist once or twice a year to make sure your teeth don’t get cavities and fall out. At least your teeth can be replaced!
You are born with one spine and it protects the most important system of the body: YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM! It controls all functions of your body, allows you to move and LIVE!
Daily stresses from the time you are born cause the spine to misalign or subluxate. The longer the bones are subluxated they put more pressure on the nerves and discs. They also start to decay. Unlike your teeth, your spine cannot be replaced.
That’s why spinal hygiene is so important. Chiropractors adjust the vertebra to remove pressure from the nervous

system and allow your joints to move correctly. Exercise and stretching is also important to help improve and maintain your spinal health.
2) More Low Back and Leg Stretching:
3) Neck and Shoulder Stretching:
5) Dead bug exercise: https://secure.webexercises.com/video-amplified.html?CR1135
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on your next visit or give us a call at 732-780-0044 to start your spinal hygiene consult. Make sure to also follow us for more health and wellness tips on facebook: Click Here