Hometown Family Wellness Center

Suffering with Neck Pain? Chiropractor in Freehold NJ Shares New Study!

So many people suffer needlessly with neck pain which many times leads to headaches, numbness and tingling and pain into the shoulders.  Recently a new study was published showing that conservative care beats medication for neck pain.  In the study, it states that spinal manipulation and exercise are each more effective than over the counter (OTC) pain relievers, narcotics and muscle relaxants.  The study can be viewed by clicking:  Annals of Internal Medicine.

Both chiropractic and exercise had more than doubled the likelihood that participants experienced complete relief of their pain compared to the medication group.  For chiropractic patients, these benefits lasted for at least a year, demonstrating that chiropractic can provide long-term relief.

The authors concluded:  “Spinal manipulation therapy and home exercise led to similar and long term outcomes, but participants who received medication seemed to fare worse, with a consistently higher use of pain medications for neck pain throughout the trial’s observational period.”

The strong success of chiropractic and exercise lies in the fact that these 2 methods address the cause of the neck pain, rather than just masking the symptoms which is what the medication does.  Neck pain can be the result of sitting long hours at a desk, talking for extended periods on the phone, carrying a heavy pocket book or briefcase on a shoulder, or from an injury from an accident and no matter the cause, chiropractic will restore optimal pain free health without the harmful affects of medications or high risk of surgery.

In our office, Hometown Family Wellness Center in Freehold NJ, Dr. Russell Brokstein, DC utilizes a combination of chiropractic and home exercise to expedite the care of correcting the cause of the neck pain.  He has been treating patients for the past 13 years, helping people from the Freehold area and many other surrounding towns in Monmouth and Ocean County, New Jersey.  If you have been suffering with neck pain and you are ready to end the pain so you can once again enjoy your normal daily activities, call our office for a consultation.

For more information about Dr. Russell and his practice, click:  www.ChiropractorFreehold.com

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