Every day I see more posts and people selling collagen supplements. There are things you need to know and I am going to discuss:
- The importance of collagen
- Collagen Deficiency
- What You Can Do about it
- What to avoid and look for with collagen supplements
- The Benefits of quality collagen formulas
Watch Dr. Russell Brokstein discuss this important topic about the importance of collagen and supplementation:
Collagen makes up a lot of the connective tissues in your body. It makes up 1/3 of all protein that makes up your body, more than any other type of protein. You lose around 1% of your collagen every year starting in your 20’s, causing your tissues to break down, make your skin age and make it harder for your tissues to heal.
Collagen supplementation is gaining popularity but there are many things you need to know before wasting money. Most products are made with Type 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 yet there is little to no clinical evidence of benefits from these forms. The problem is 90% of the collagen in your body is Type 1. So if you do use collagen, check the label to see the type and source.

One of the amazing supplements I have available is a medical grade liquid hydrolyzed Type 1 collagen peptides. This makes sure of the most bioavailable source of collagen to help improve your tissues. To further enhance the health benefits, the formula includes an antioxidant support system, Biotin, Hyaluronic Acid, L-Citrulline and 10 grams of protein. The company also hydrolyzes the collagen in house using plant based enzymes to increase absorption. All this separates our formula from every other collagen supplement on the market.
When using the right collagen supplement, you can see improvements in skin elasticity, hair, nail, bone, help with osteoporosis and arthritic conditions, promotes weight loss, improves brain health, gut health and improve joint, back and knee pain. I started using this over a year ago with other joint supplements and noticed an improvement in not only my knee and shoulder pain, but improved range of motion and able to exercise and run further without discomfort.
If you would like more information feel free to comment or to get yours click here: Icaria Glow Collagen