CBD oil is the craze nowadays. Every day I get asked by patients and online about CBD. I have been doing a lot of research on CBD and the majority of the products out there are extremely low quality and can even risk your health. A couple of points to consider if you are looking at buying some CBD or if you currently are using it:
- Most products are produced from industrial hemp. So a quick question, would you rather buy a GMO or an organic orange? They look the same but the GMO has no phytonutrients, is empty nutrition and it’s cheap to
CBD Fluid is the better Option to CBD Oil
acquire so of course many companies think it’s great to use. A person I know told me his CBD company used natural organic hemp and showed me the label. Right on the front it says organic CBD but if you read the back label it clearly stated from industrial hemp. - Most CBD products are isolates meaning they are highly processed removing many essential cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and compounds that provide the medicinal benefits. Since these products lack these essential elements, they require you to you to take higher dosages. Many times 10 to 20 drops per dosage.
- Many CBD products are derived from oil. Since our bodies are mostly made of water, this makes it difficult for the oils to absorb. We have a far easier time absorbing water-compatible CBD instead of oil-based CBD. If you use CBD oil or any oil product, put a drop in a glass of water and see what happens: it will just sit on the water. This process makes it more difficult for the body to metabolize and puts strain on your liver and other organs. Studies show you are lucky if 10% of your CBD oil is bioavailable, meaning absorbed by the body. You are getting minimal benefits from CBD oil. You have to watch out for marketing tactics of these CBD companies too! Another friend told me that her CBD oil uses a patented, advanced liposomal delivery. This is just a marketing tactic to make you think it’s going to help you absorb it better.
- Are there any chemicals used in the extraction process? Most companies use some form of heat, CO2, or other chemical based extraction process to produce an “oil”. These chemicals can result in health problems.
A colleague of mine introduced me to the 100% natural & 0% additives, whole flower, water compatible (around 90% bioavailable) CBD that preserves the full medicinal profile of essential cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and compounds of the plant. A patented exclusive process that produces a fluid, not an oil, and is chemical free! Due to its purity, one only needs 1 to 2 drops per dosage. I switched from CBD oil to CBD Fluid. I couldn’t believe the difference in not only results but you can actually taste the difference!
When I recommend a product to patients, I always make sure it’s something I would use for my health. I want to make sure you are getting the best CBD possible that is natural, providing the most benefit and NOT Toxic. For more information or to order click: CBD FLUID