New research confirms the immediate chiropractic results in the treatment of low back pain. In the study MRIs were used to prove how effective and why chiropractic is so successful.
If you have lower back pain, you will normally notice the limitations in movement, muscle spasms and many times numbness or tingling. These are just the symptoms. It’s important to find the cause of the symptoms. Joints of the spine misalign from accidents, poor posture, lifting and bending improperly, bad sleep habits, exercising incorrectly, chemical and emotional stress, and what most people don’t consider is the daily accumulation of minor stresses from the time we are born thru adult years. The restricted motion that results is from spinal joint degeneration which is like a cavity that progressively gets worse. There is also lso scar tissue adhesions in the joints of the spine.

Chiropractors find these causes and with the chiropractic adjustment it increases gapping between the joints. This improves range of motion at the joint and reduces the adhesions, therefore decreasing inflammation and pain.
In the study performed by a group of doctors lead by Dr. Gregory Cramer, DC, PHD, 112 patients with low back pain were divided into 4 groups: treatment with chiropractic adjustment, side posture positioning or one of 2 control groups. (Magnetic resonance imaging zygapophyseal joint space changes (gapping) in low back pain patients following spinal manipulation and side-posture positioning: a randomized controlled mechanisms trial with blinding.) Before treatment, each patient received an MRI. After 2 weeks of treatment based on the group they were in, a post treatment MRI was given.
The research confirmed the immediate chiropractic results. Patients who received the chiropractic adjustment showed the most joint gapping. Patients who received a combination of the chiropractic adjustments with side posture positioning had the most therapeutic benefit of pain relief.
If you or somebody you know suffers with low back pain, share this information with them. They too can receive immediate chiropractic results in correcting the cause of their pain. This will help you once again enjoy your normal daily activities.
Dr. Russell Brokstein, owner and chiropractor at Hometown Family Wellness Center in Freehold, NJ has been helping patients with low back pain for 15 years. Dr. Brokstein uses a combination of chiropractic adjustments, side posture positioning, as well as therapeutic stretching, flexion/distraction techniques and other treatments proven to benefit in immediate chiropractic results.