Do you suffer with low back pain? Well make sure you don’t do this so you can avoid chronic lower back pain!

First of all, it’s important that once you start feeling back pain, do not ignore it. Pain is a signal that something is wrong. One way it will become chronic is by not getting proper care. BUT, this one thing most people do, will almost likely lead to your pain to become chronic lower back pain.
Dr. Russell Brokstein discusses in the following video a University of Pittsburgh study that discusses one of the leading causes of chronic lower back pain:
In our office, we do a full musculoskeletal and spine evaluation utilizing state of the art computerize sMEG technology, orthopedic and chiropractic evaluation and flexibility assessment to find the imbalances that are leading to your low back pain. From there we create a plan to correct those instabilities to provide you with the natural relief you deserve to allow you to do your normal daily activities again. All without dangerous prescription drugs or risky surgeries.
During our treatment, we also show our patients various home stretching and core stabilization exercises to expedite recovery. These spinal hygiene stretches will also help prevent and maintain future problems. This is almost like brushing teeth, rinsing and flossing to help take care of your teeth. As the saying goes, “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.”