If you are in pain and have tried different types of treatments with slow progress, you might want to look into nutrition as a key to why you are in pain. The quality of nutrition has rapidly declined over the last several decades. It is having a major impact on American’s health and there is a significant increase in chronic illnesses and overall destroying well-being.
The quality of American food can be attributed to many things, but one can look at the state of the soils foods are grown in due to modern farming practices including fertilizers, pesticides and genetical modification of foods modified organisms (GMO’s). The fruits and vegetables grown in these soils are affected. Levels of essential nutrients have decreased significantly since the 1950’s. The Journal of American College of Nutrition reports calcium, magnesium, iron, Vitamin A and C are significantly impacted.
Studies show you would have to eat around 10 apples today to get the nutrition of one apple from the 1950’s and eat nearly 50 bowls of spinach to get the equivalent of one bowl from the 1950’s. Nutrition is so important to fuel the body and are the building blocks to all of our cells, tissues and organs.
On top of that, many people are eating more processed and convenience foods that are stripped of their natural elements and loaded with unhealthy preservatives, additives, sugars and artificial sweeteners which are toxic to the body. The shift to foods that are calorie dense and nutrient deprived is contributing to a surge in lifestyle related illness.
Nearly 500,000 deaths each year in the US are linked to illnesses from poor nutrition.
Many conditions are preventable and can be reversed with optimizing nutrition:
- Obesity: Has reached an all-time high among American adults. 42% (nearly 110 million) Americans are obese. Nearly 80% of American are overweight. In addition, sadly, 20% of children are considered obese.
- Cardiovascular disease: Almost 50% of Americans
- Type 2 Diabetes: Nearly 33 million Americans
If you are under chiropractic care and experiencing slow improvements, it can be due to chronic inflammation, weakened immune function, hormone imbalances and digestive disorders from poor nutrient intake. To optimize natural healing and recovery, you must address nutritional deficiencies.

“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates
Nutrition is important to restore and maintain health. Nutrient dense, whole foods are important to prevent and reverse illness. It’s why I say Nutrition as a Key to Why You are in Pain. As a chiropractor, I optimize health by removing interference to the spine, but we need to provide the body with the nutrients it needs too.
I help patients with nutrition by making nutritional changes and adding in whole food, plant based supplements. We can enhance your healing and recovery as well as prevent chronic diseases and promote holistic wellness.
Many people suffer with poor gut health. Processed foods can destroy the microbiome of the gut. This can increase inflammation and pain throughout the body. It also slows down the healing process. A digestive blend of enzymes with probiotics stabilizes the gut and if taken on an empty stomach absorb thru the intestines into the blood stream to help break down inflammation. Recovery enzymes are similar in the effect of reducing inflammation and debris in the blood. Digestive Blend and Recovery are both discussed on my website and available to purchase: Whole Food Plant Based Supplements
Proper nutrition will support your body’s healing, leading to faster recovery. We can reduce your inflammation, boost immune function and overall health.
Healthier dietary choices can help prevent or reverse chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This can help reduce the need for medications and more risky medical treatments.