Sickness, disease and pain or health and wellness? So many people just accept to live with the pain, discomfort and being sick. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Like many others, I grew up in the Medical society. Told if you don’t have symptoms and feel fine you are healthy or run to the doctor when you are sick or hurting to just be prescribed medications and popping pills. I remember my

philosophy classes during my time in at Life Chiropractic College when my awareness was challenged from accepting Sickness and Disease as the norm to realizing that there was a greater force and intelligence driving this machine….our body. One of my professors still sends chiropractors and myself emails and I wanted to share his most recent message:
“I realized that what I was taught from elementary to college may have brought sense to the masses but little to those searching for answers. Why would the body randomly deteriorate when it was meant to be well in wholeness. Why would the body be overcome with illness when it was meant to weather the storm. What force separated the psyche from the soma enough to break the bonds that hold us together. In fact, why would this body, grown from two half cells, germinate and blossom within and succeed to exit on time leave all to chance on the day it makes a bow. It made no sense. As with all nature’s bounty, the newborn is not left to chance. It has a host, a mother and father and a connection with family that along with natural nurturing and love blooms and grows.
My mindset transformed during these early years challenging my belief that relief was found in a pill and that the medical doctor’s word was indisputable. Like military boot camp, the first year of chiropractic school ground down my holistic beliefs toward wholistic. It gave me the ammunition to question and advise from outside the proverbial box for those seeking another answer. I began to appreciate the relationship between structure and function and how every visceral part was attuned to the whole and our dear and delicate nervous system was the power and intelligence putting it together. Nature knew what needed without a book, computer or lecture series to sustain this new life. It just needs nourishment, cuddling, support with no interference to make things right. How many of these basic ingredients do we lack as we grow, most have been techno manipulated, and compromised.”
I thank Dr. Margolies for his way with words and explaining things!
Chiropractic has a role in this cycle of life and improving health. Chiropractors like myself take philosophy of life and health in a serious vein to approach you with this in mind and educate you to the ramification of the subluxation complex, where joints in the spine are misaligned and put pressure on nerves affecting the function of all your organs, tissues and cells. This interference to the nervous system is a leading factor to the sickness epidemic. We have a responsibility as a structural science, where posture and tone play a crucial part in wellbeing, also appreciate the impingement of life force via structural distress. Wellness starts with spinal health! It is here where the network of energy generates and where protection of life’s fibers extends to the whole. Nutrition is no longer left to chance! I want to help you through the multitude of misinformation and poor choices. I discuss exercise and ergonomic health with the understanding that life with no movement is no life and spinal segmental health is crucial to the whole. The wear and tear of daily living and each segment of life needs to be met with conservative alternatives to your grind at work, play and home.
Coming in for adjustments only when you are hurting is like running to the medical doctor for a pill for a quick fix. It’s just masking the symptoms temporarily. At least the adjustment doesn’t have the dangerous side effects of all those meds. BUT.. why not get all the benefits of getting adjusted for the health and life of it? Many studies show these benefits.
21 Benefits of Chiropractic you might not have known:
- Improves joint mobility, function and health.
- Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.
- Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).
- Decreases the on--going inflammatory process associated with the subluxation.
- Improves circulation taking stagnant blood out and bringing new blood in.
- Speeds up the recovery process.
- Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).
- Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).
- Calms a hyperactive mind and energizes a depressed mind.
- Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
- Relieves/Improves Prenatal Discomfort
- Decreases length of labor and associated back pain.
- Decreases the adverse effects of stress.
- Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).
- Improves Quality of Life by enhancing the enjoyment/fulfillment of a person’s Key Values
- Prevention ability for sickness, disease and pain.
- Improves overall health and wellness for infants and children.
- Improves cognitive ability (ability to THINK more clearly).
Are you ready to go from sickness to health? Who wouldn’t like these health benefits? Who doesn’t deserve these benefits?
Add better nutrition, improving hydration, exercising more and health goals can be obtained. You have to give your body the chance to thrive! Ask us about our nutrition programs, weight loss programs, plant based natural vitamins, enzymes, collagen and give your body what it needs.