As the battle of the bulge continues around the world, people are looking for effective natural weight loss solutions. In the US, nearly 80% of the population is overweight and 40% categorized as obese. Being overweight increases disease but also adds stress to the joints and systemic inflammation. We know the major contributing factor to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, chronic inflammation, anxiety, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, neurological problems, depression, insomnia and other diseases is being overweight.
Traditional weight loss measures are failing with fad diets. The obesity pandemic is usually attributed to poor dietary choices and a sedentary lifestyle. The problem is more complex including processed foods, environmental factors, hormonal imbalances and commonly used chemicals known as obesogens. These chemicals disrupt normal metabolitic processes, making weight loss a multifaceted, comprehensive approach. They can directly affect fat cells and indirectly affect the body’s appetite, regulation of metabolism and energy. Some obesogens mimic estrogen while others can change stem cells to become fat cells instead of bone.
Obesogens are a challenge to weight loss. These chemicals are found in pesticides, plastics, preservatives, personal care products, medications and other products affecting endocrine function and leading to weight gain. The food supply is poisoned with these obesogens and affecting all ages from newborns to geriatrics. Pregnant women should avoid and detox as these chemicals can affect a fetus development. The weight gain isn’t only occurring in adults! Children are rapidly gaining weight and becoming more unhealthy.
When your body is filled with chemicals and toxins, your body stores more body fat to surround them to help protect your organs and tissues.
Now people are running for glorified diabetic drugs Wegovy and Ozempic. 22% of Americans have asked their doctors to prescribe them Ozempic for weight loss. Sadly around 55% of medical doctors recommend them to patients wanting to lose weight. These semaglutide drugs have many side effects including: muscle wasting, likely rebound weight gain, increased risk of suicide, digestive issues, low blood sugar, kidney and gall bladder problems and increase thyroid tumors.

The weight gain epidemic is not from a lack of these meds and they sure ARE NOT THE SOLUTION. They are not a quick fix to poor lifestyle and influx of obesogens. It is time to address the real cause with effective natural weight loss solutions.
In my Freehold NJ office, I integrate effective natural weight loss solutions, along with spinal adjustments, lifestyle modifications and functional medicine (FM) to provide the necessary comprehensive approach addressing structural and functional health. In FM, we take a holistic approach to address the cause of health issues rather than just masking symptoms. The following are key steps we take in attacking obesogens and metabolic health in effective natural weight loss solutions. This is my biohack formula to help you lose weight:
- Modify your diet to include organic, clean, whole foods. Avoid products contaminated with obesogens and organophosphates (pesticides, herbicides and insecticides). Organic, minimally processed foods are improve your metabolism.
- Keep optimally hydrated by drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water. Coffee and other caffeine products dehydrate you. One study I read states that for every cup of coffee (8 to 10 ounce) you drink, it negates up to 4 to 8 glasses of water. You will have a more difficult time losing weight if you aren’t hydrated.
- A full body, nutritional cleanse and weight loss system. By incorporating healthy eating with 24 to 48 hour fasting, we can help remove toxins from the body and reset your metabolism. Nutritional cleansing
Nutritional Cleansing helps biohack toward optimizing weight loss.
with fasting has so many benefits. Removing toxic obesogens supports liver function and improves metabolic health which is critical for weight loss strategies. The liver is a filter of the entire body and is critical to detoxifying and removing toxins from the body. I highly recommend a full body, nutritional cleanse to reset metabolic imbalances and support weight management with the further benefits of fasting to heal the body from the inside. Over the last 20 years, our 30-day system averages 7 to 15lbs weight loss. Learn more and order by clicking here: Nutritional Cleanse and Weight Loss System - Use ideal binders: These binders are important to optimize detoxification of the body. They attach to those obesogens and pull them out of the body, prevent reabsorption and allowing the toxins back into the body. Parasites are
Detoxifying with Warrior Water is a great hack to assist in weight loss.
common in the body that affect gut health and can lead to weight gain. Using quality binders along with a nutritional cleansing detox optimizes results and supporting you achieving weight loss and maintaining healthy weight. I take and recommend to my patients a product called Warrior Water (WW). WW contains fulvic acid, humic acid, carbon 60, activated charcoal and zeolite to help remove heavy metals, toxins and parasites. When you remove toxins, it melts off the body fat that is stored to protect your tissues and organs. You can find out more and order by clicking here: Warrior Water - The most common nutritional deficiency: Vit D3 is important for almost every cellular function of your life. If you take it every day, you’ll feel better, you’ll have more energy, your pain will go down, sleep better, digestion will improve, hormones will balance, decrease anxiety and depression. It’s also the simplest biohack to shed unwanted pounds. You must take Vit D3 and zinc together. If your body is deficient of Vit D3 it cannot burn fat as fuel. If you look at your nails and see white lines or circles, you are zinc deficient. Almost every person overweight is Vit D3 deficient. Vit D3 and Zinc are important for metabolism, hormones, overall production of energy, the immune system, and inflammatory response. Find out more and order by clicking here: Vit D3 and Zinc
- Gut Health: Most people, especially when overweight, have poor gut health. When the gut cannot break down foods properly, the food builds up in the gut like sewage. This increases inflammation and toxicity in the gut that spreads throughout the body. Taking an organic, whole food, plant based enzyme helps to break down foods to their micronutrients so it absorbs better into the blood stream to get the nutrients to all the cells, tissues and organs in the body. Find out more and order by clicking: Digestive Blend
- Adrenal dysfunction leads to hormonal imbalances that can contribute to weight gain and blood sugar issues. Caffeine, sugars, refined carbohydrates and stress affect your adrenal glands. If your adrenals are not functioning well, it will damage your gut health, affect your cortisol and DHEA levels. DHEA then affects your testosterone, progesterone and estrogen levels. We can do a simple test to measure the efficiency of your adrenal glands. If they are not functioning well, we can start by eliminating caffeine and carbohydrates then add in an Adrenal Support supplement. To find out more and order, click: Adrenal Support
- Free Testosterone levels: Testosterone levels naturally start lowering around 25 years old and by the time you are 80 years old, your levels drop to around 1/3. Testosterone levels are lowering at a shocking rate in both men and women. Obesogens again are a culprit, so we need to detoxify those chemicals with Warrior Water and nutritional cleansing. Cholesterol lowering drugs also have an impact because we need cholesterol to create hormones. Optimal testosterone levels are important for overall heart health. Those with lower Free Testosterone levels are 71% more likely to die from heart disease. Testosterone is also important to: reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, improve insulin sensitivity, increase bone density and higher HDL (the good cholesterol) just to name a few. You can see why maintaining Free Testosterone levels is another key to biohack weight loss. We have a simple home test you can order to find out your Free Testosterone levels and natural supplement to boost your levels naturally, just click here: Epic-T and Quanti-T
- Stress management. A stressed body has a more difficult time losing weight. Exercise, meditation, yoga and chiropractic help destress the body and aid in weight loss.
A functional medicine approach supports weight management and your overall wellbeing. It is beneficial to manage chronic conditions like obesity, autoimmune diseases and metabolic dysfunction by addressing the root cause, not just masking symptoms. It’s important for people to stop relying on medicine and surgery and take a more proactive approach to take back your health and wellness. A functional approach is more sustainable with long term health solutions.
Are you ready to finally lose weight and improve how you feel? When you combine these steps, you have a great biohack to effective natural weight loss solutions. You will not only lose weight, but you will optimize your overall health and wellness.