Cervical disc herniation is a condition many people suffer with. It is one of the most common causes of neck pain and cervical radiculopathy. There can be many mechanisms that cause a disc to herniate. Most times a trauma, posture, or daily activities cause the vertebra to misalign putting undue stress on the disc. The disc then puts pressure on the nerve. This results in pain that can include numbness, tingling and radiating pain from the neck that can go down the arm and into the hands.
Previously, there wasn’t many medical research to show the effectiveness of conservative chiropractic for cervical disc herniation. Now, a new study shows chiropractic has a significant reduction in pain from cervical disc herniation: Outcomes From Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Confirmed Symptomatic Cervical Disk Herniation Patients Treated With High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study With 3-Month Follow-Up.
The study included 50 Swiss patients with neck pain and arm pain confirmed with orthopedic, neurological testing and MRI to a cervical disc herniation. Pain rating and neck disability scored were obtained before treatment started and again after 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 month intervals with treatment. Spinal adjustments were performed by chiropractors.
Patients with acute pain or symptoms of under 4 weeks duration showed the best results. After 2 weeks of treatment, over 55% were improved, 68% at one month and nearly 86% after 3 months! Even the subactute or chronic patients experienced a 76% significant improvement. These are all significant statistics showing improvement of pain induced by cervical disc herniation when treated by chiropractic adjustments. Further noted is no adverse side effects from the treatment.
Studies like these help show how beneficial chiropractic is to help patients with a cervical disc herniation. Chiropractic corrects the cause of the pain. Medical treatments just cover up the symptoms with dangerous drugs and injections with a low success rate. These medical interventions might mask the symptoms temporarily but have many side effects. Also, patients become falsely confident that they can perform normal activities since they don’t feel the pain. The patient then can cause more damage to the disc. Surgical intervention also is used too often. The success rate of surgery is under 50%. Most instances a success is considered 1 to 5 years relief. Surgery usually leads to subsequent surgeries with lower success rates with each one. Each surgery has the risk of nerve damage and even paralysis.
When a chiropractor adjusts the spine, it removes the pressure from the disc and the nerve. This improves the function of the joints and supporting structures so you can once again enjoy your normal daily activities. As a Freehold Chiropractor at Hometown Family Wellness Center, Dr. Russell Brokstein has been helping patients with cervical disc herniation for 15 years. Conservative chiropractic care has a high success rate without the risks of medication or surgery.