Ankle sprains are very common among athletes. Usually once you sprain the ankle, it is common to have recurrent injuries. More than 40% of inversion ankle sprains result in chronic instability. It’s important to get treatment quickly and effectively.

A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) shows chiropractic adjustments along with rehabilitation shows some of the best outcomes.
Short term outcomes were compared for 33 students who suffered with recurrent ankle sprains. They were split into those receiving just rehab and those receiving chiropractic plus rehab over a 4 week period. These patients were assessed for level of pain and disability. The rehab group were assigned specific ankle exercises to perform daily while the other group also received 6 chiropractic treatments.
The patients that received both rehab and chiropractic adjustments showed significant short-term reduction in pain and the number of joint restrictions in the short-term. The improvement of disability was the same for both groups.
I was a competitive soccer player who severely sprained my ankles multiple times and even dislocated my ankle once. I suffered for years with recurrent problems until getting under chiropractic care. I have experienced first hand the benefit of adjustments to improving pain and disability of ankle problems. Also, if you have low back pain it can be from chronic ankle conditions. By addressing the ankle misalignments, your lower back pain can be relieved more quickly.
As a Freehold chiropractor for the past 16 years I make sure to analyze and address ankle issues with all my patients. Incorporating therapeutic stretching, adjustments to the ankle and pelvic spinal stabilizers (orthotics) we help our patients get better more quickly and allow them to enjoy daily activities again. For more information about Dr. Russell Brokstein go to our website clicking here: Chiropractor in Freehold