When pain and inflammation strike, whether it comes after an accident, fall, athletic event or overwork, most people reach for a bottle of aspirin or an anti-inflammatory drug. Over the counter preparations and prescriptive anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) are on the rise, as are the many harmful side effects. These drugs commonly lead to damage to the liver and kidneys, digestive distress and ulcers, high blood pressure and even death. The opioid epidemic has been all over the news the past couple of years.
Though NSAIDs may control inflammation, these drugs inhibit healing and cause so many side effects that the “cure” is often more dangerous than the injury. Inflammation signals damaged cells and the body needs nutritional support for healing, restoring the integrity of the cells and reducing inflammation.
Just over a month ago, I was introduced to a natural formula previously used by some of the top athletes across the nation. It reduces inflammation and speeds recovery faster and safer, without any of the side effects of over the counter NSAIDs.
RESTORE INGREDIENTS REDUCE SWELLING AS WELL AS NSAIDs: Studies prove that ingredients in Restore reduce swelling and improve healing times more effectively than NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen and non-steroidal prescription drugs) without the side effects.

RESTORE INGREDIENTS HAVE THE BEST HEALING TIME: Restore offers a safe and effective alternative to harmful painkillers by using proteolytic enzymes, minerals and antioxidants that are proven to have the most profound affect on acute inflammatory responses. The enzymes reduce inflammation while the antioxidants help stabilize cell walls, thus decreasing further swelling and increasing healing. In addition, the minerals help with wound repair and ensure optimal delivery of each of the nutrients contained in this remarkable formula.
I recommend my patients turn to Restore first for safe and effective relief from pain and inflammation.
Suggested uses: Inflammation, injury, pain, Fibromyalgia, poisonous bites, colds, flus, infections, Osteo & Rheumatoid Arthritis, reduce scar tissue, allergies, digestion, asthma, bruising, Candida and Cholesterol.
Call us for guidance on buying, dosing and discounts on Restore and our other health and wellness formulas to improve health naturally. 732-780-0044