Natural sciatica pain relief is sought by many people. Sciatica is a condition suffered by many people.

It is due to irritation of a group of nerves from the low back. People can present with numbness and tingling into the thigh, around the knee, to the calf and even extending down into the feet or toes.
Too many times patients seek care of an orthopedic doctor that just will prescribe medications. Medications at most will mask the symptoms of the sciatica. This can be dangerous as the underlying cause of the sciatica will most likely get worse. There are also a list of severe side effects of all these medications which are far from natural sciatica pain relief. Other times they will recommend physical therapy. Some types of therapy will give temporary relief. This can be in the form of electric stimulation, ultrasound, icing, or stretching. None of these types of treatments correct the cause of the sciatica.
To give you an analogy to the above that you are more familiar with, lets look at your teeth. If you have a cavity or toothache, you go the dentist. If he just gave you a shot of Novocaine, you would feel a little better. He could ice your mouth which would numb it for a short time. Maybe use a laser. Prescribe some pain medication. But all of these would be temporary! You would be wondering why your dentist wasn’t cleaning out the cavity and fixing it.
Natural sciatica pain relief is simple to find. Chiropractors find the cause of the irritation to the sciatic nerve. Once we find the cause, we use gentle chiropractic techniques to adjust the area to remove the pressure from the nerve.
Watch the following video of one of our patients who was suffering from sciatica and knee pain. Her medical doctors wanted to use cortisone which she didn’t want to have. She not only received natural sciatica pain relief, but relief of her knee pain and daily stresses by visiting our Freehold Chiropractic office:
If you are seeking natural sciatica pain relief, contact our office. Hometown Family Wellness Center is located in Freehold, NJ and we have been helping patients from all over NJ who have failed under many other types of care. Our goal is to get you pain free so you can once again enjoy your normal daily activities. If you would like to find out more about our office and Dr. Russell Brokstein click here