With the start of the New Year, many make resolutions. The thing is most never get started or they stop within weeks. Ever notice gyms are packed in January but then by February they are empty again. Wow, gyms have the best business, people sign up, pay monthly but rarely go.
I made a short message while at the gym this weekend about sticking to not only resolutions but making lifestyle changes:
Have You Kept Up With Your Resolutions?
Of all the new year health resolutions, the biggest is usually weight loss. We started our Kick Start Weight loss program last week. But, if you are still interested in losing weight, there is no better time than now to get started. If you are interested, make sure to respond or discuss at your next visit. Most people lose 10 to 15lbs in the first 30 days. Our program addresses the real cause of weight issues: toxicity and poor nutrition. You can find out more by going to our website: Medical Weight Loss Program
If you want to make 2022 the year to revive your health, get a copy of my book: The Next Health Revolution – A Natural Path to Revive Your Health and Maximize Wellness. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, sick of all the medications, and realize medications do not fix symptoms caused from poor lifestyle choices, would like to have more energy and enjoy life, I promise I keep it easy to follow and do. You will learn from A to Z simple, natural solutions to improve your health: The 5 Tenets of health, how to lose weight without dieting, why your nervous system is the KEY to maximize health and function, why your gut health is crucial to overall health, what supplements are necessary to heal, support and maintain health and the MASTER system that coordinates all other physiological systems – and how to use it to achieve health, vitality and wellness for life. Get your copy on Amazon: The Next Health Revolution: A Natural Path to Revive Your Health and Maximize Wellness
or get a copy when in the office.
Well… that’s about all for this week’s message. I definitely covered a lot… but there is so much to help people reach their health goals. We have to share the messages with family and friends to get out of the health crisis relying on pills and surgery.
To Your Health and Wellness
Dr. Russell and Donna
Hometown Family Wellness Center Where Health is a Lifestyle
New Years Resolutions include making change to improve health