Most people are nutritional deficient. Even if you think you are eating healthy, your body most likely isn’t getting the nutrients it needs to be optimally healthy. Most bodies are malnourished even if you think you have a “good diet”. Nutritional Supplementation is so important for everybody.
Supplementation – “Make addition to something; to increase, extend or improve something by adding to it.”
We have always heard that if you eat a well-balanced diet, you don’t need to take vitamin supplements, right? Let’s

review a few facts: In 1940 if you ate a bowl of salad there would get a certain amount of nutrition in that bowl of salad. If you ate a bowl of salad today there would be a certain amount of nutrition in that bowl of salad. How many bowls would you need to eat today to get close to the same amount of nutrition in a bowl of salad in 1940? (15-20)
US Senate Report – “Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies, which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance? The alarming fact is that foods – fruits and vegetables and grains – now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough minerals, are starving us no matter how much we eat.” What year did Rex Beach present this report to the US Senate? (1936)
What percentage of fresh salads and cut vegetables and fruits nutritional value is lost when they sit for more than three hours? (40-50%) Baking at 121 degrees C decreases nutritional components by what %? (90%)
So it is not possible to get everything that you need from the food we eat. But how could this be? People have lived on this planet for a long time they must have been able to get everything from their diet. The answer has to do with modern farming techniques, fertilizers, modern processing and food storage and preparation.
Five major minerals and at least sixteen trace minerals are essential for optimal health. Plants cannot create minerals. They must absorb them from the soil. And if our soils do not have minerals, our plants will not have them either.
Depletion of soils components results from: a. We only till 18-20” deep so the same dirt is tilled over and over each season. b. Following the Second World War, chemical manufacturers were sitting on huge stockpiles of phosphates and nitrates that were initially intended for use in explosives. They discovered that when they spread these same phosphates and nitrates on the soil where plants were growing, the plants grew bigger and looked healthier. Thus began the boom of the fertilizer industry. c. Modern fertilizers do not replace trace minerals such as chromium, zinc and copper, as do cow manure and other natural fertilizers. Over time these trace minerals become more and more depleted from the soil and, consequently our food supply becomes more depleted as well.
Green harvesting means picking fruits and vegetables before they are mature. Shipping food over long distances requires cold storage and other preservation methods, which allows for depletion of vital nutrients. Our food is highly processed. Overcooking, delay in preparing fresh foods, and freezing foods are some of the reasons our foods lose nutritional value. Optimal Levels versus RDA Levels
The RDA’s started in the early 1920’s & 1930’s as minimal requirements of ten essential nutrients that help us avoid acute deficiency diseases like scurvy and rickets. The list of nutrients included in the RDAs grew over the next two decades, and in the early 1950s the definition expanded to include the amounts of nutrients needed for normal growth and development.
Substantial evidence that taking doses of a class of nutrients called antioxidants far exceeding the RDA minimum can help prevent heart disease, help to mitigate some of the detrimental effects of environmental pollutants, and help promote healthy immune function. Needing nutritional supplementation at the optimum level based on research not at the usual minimal RDA requirements.
It’s too expensive to get the food industry to provide good nutrition so it is your job to know this so that you can supplement because we’re not going to change the food industry. It’s not going to happen.
Make sure you read our previous blog: Your Gut Health Affects Overall Health! We discuss digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics and how to find a good quality nutritional supplement.
Nutritional supplementation is important to help make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs to be healthy!
Sources: Dr Maurice Pisciottano , “Peak Energy Solutions” Dr Bob Hoffman and Dr Jason A Deitch, “Discover Wellness – How Staying Healthy can make you Rich” Dr Ray D Strand , “What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You”