Our society has been one of going from one diet to another to try and beat the growing epidemic of obesity. Along with this weight problem are the countless of health problems like heart conditions, diabetes, stroke, cancer, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, kidney disease, fatty liver disease and so much more. Dieting has been a failed solution to the country’s problem. Rather than weight loss, we have seen increased weight gain. Counting calories and going to the gym is not the answer. Today we are going to discuss a modern model of weight loss!
Your body is inundated with toxins every single day. Everything you eat, breath and drink is loaded with chemicals. Detoxification is the body’s natural process of removing and altering metabolic waste so the body can function optimally without the effects of these toxic substances. It is necessary for overall health and wellness of the organs, tissues and all the way down to the cellular level.
When your body is detoxifying it is trying to eliminate toxins from the body. Centuries ago the body was not subjected to the amount of chemicals it is today. This makes it more difficult for the body to do its job. If your body is getting too many toxins, the organs that help detoxify get overburdened. If this happens, the body deposits the toxins into fat cells and collagen. Also, if the body doesn’t have the proper nutrients, organs like the liver which help cleanse the chemicals from the body will deposit the toxins into the fat cells (adipose tissue). This results in the enlargement of fat cells and water infiltrating the extracellular matrix. Lymph fluid helps protect the body from inflammation due to stored toxins. This is why people are becoming more overweight and obesity is an epidemic: the toxic overload leading to increased body fat!
Toxins are the leading cause of inflammation. They come from many sources. It can be from food or air pollution, water quality, pathogens, sensitivities, allergic reactions, heavy metals, food additives, cometics, household cleaners, medications, artificial sweeteners, the list goes on and on. Your immune system addresses the toxins with free radicals that cause damage to the cells. Further immune response leads to chronic inflammation.
This innate protective inflammatory response is a leading cause of disease. When the body struggles to get rid of toxins, inflammation builds up leading to autoimmune and chronic degenerative diseases. Add this to the nutritional deficiencies and intestinal microflaura imbalances from the consumption of refined sugars, genetically modified foods (GMO’s), processed food, caffeine consumption, and other low quality foods and you get a recipe for a body that is a toxic dump. Don’t forget the increased number and toxic load in the vaccines you are subjected to and over-prescribed antibiotics and other drugs.
A deficiency in antioxidants causes an ongoing of free-radical destruction. This causes low energy and damage to your genes leading to even more prevalence of disease.
This leads us to know that detoxification is actually a nutritional problem. Providing the body with optimal nutrition allows the body to detoxify. Our food supply is so nutritional depleted it cannot provide what the body needs to be healthy. We can solve the health care crisis in this country with better food choices and healthy supplements. The cost of healthcare is out of control and drugs do not provide any solution to disease. Living in the 21st century floods the body with toxins and deprives it of nutrition.
The best way to for weight loss is to detoxify the body by supporting its own natural systems with healthy nutrition:
1) The liver is the chief detoxifying organ. The liver needs phytonutrients from fruits, vegetables and herbs. The liver will do it’s natural cleansing processes when provided the best nutrients. At same time need to make sure the bowel is cleansed to keep the liver detoxification balanced.
2) Help the body remove toxins from the fat cells and extracellular matrix.
3) Support the intracellular processes of methylation, ATP production, reduction of free-radicals, telomere repair and cellular membranes with nutrition. There are some amazing supplements to aid healing at the cellular level.
Everybody needs the help of a quality detoxification program that helps with all these steps and nourish the body

with optimal nutrition. The body is meant to adapt, survive and maintain the cells and organs to achieve health. By working from the inside at the cellular level making sure it’s functioning and healthy, the body can focus more on detoxifying the brain, heart, lungs, intestines and other organs.
Even if you are a vegetarian or devote yourself to organic food you need to detoxify. Dr. Jack Tips is a licensed clinical nutritionist in New York and he did studies on natural health aficionados. He tested a marker for cell membrane inflammation and found most score in the “rapid aging, cell membrane inflammation” range. The body is being damaged from many sources of chemicals and radiation as mentioned earlier in this blog.
Detoxification is a 21st century solution to weight loss, health and wellness! It must be done right to be effective. Our global epidemic of poor health, disease, cancer, symptoms, count on exploring this modern model. The body needs help as it was never meant to take on the amount of outside factors we subject it to. Nutritional support enhances the body’s natural detoxifying processes to help the body heal itself and be healthy naturally.
We have a complete full body and cleanse program that works all the way down to the cellular level. Our program addresses the real cause of body fat and toxicity. People have been using this system for over 12 years with consistent results not only for weight loss but improved overall health and wellness. Dieting has failed for decades because it does not address the build up of toxins and the increased body fat to protect the tissues from those toxins. Removing toxins all the way down at the cellular level which results in the decrease in body fat and weight.
Freehold chiropractor, Dr. Russell Brokstein, has been helping patients lose weight with the nutritional cleansing. Dr. Russell’s approach to health is finding the cause and addressing it. This includes the approach to weight loss: detoxification and optimal nutrition. If you are ready to make your health a priority and lose the weight, you can find out more and contact: click here.
Reference: DC Practice Insights, July 2013 article by Dr. Jack Tips: Detoxification: Exploring a New 21st Century Model