Is your health important to you? Do you prefer to heal better or just feel better?
Many people suffer with pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid symptoms, etc but just pop pills that mask the symptoms. Others seek chiropractic, massage, acupuncture and Physical Therapy for natural relief. BUT and this is a HUGE BUT, just because you might get pain relief or the symptoms decrease doesn’t mean the problem is fixed. Pain is the last thing to show up when you develop a problem and it’s the first thing to go away. Many times the body just adapts to the pain while the underlying problems still exists and progressively gets worse.
When you take Aspirin, Ibuprofen and NSAID’s you are masking your symptoms with the risks of many side effects including death. Chiropractic and other natural treatments help the body to start getting better but there are other aspects you have to take care of so the body can actually heal, not just feel better.
Recently I wrote an important article I hope you take a couple minutes to read by clicking here: Natural Relief of Pain and Inflammation. We have to take active steps to help the body heal.
I started a program recommended by a colleague who has nutritional formulas to help the body heal from the inside

by providing the body with enzymes, antioxidants, collagen, CBD and pre/probiotics that it needs. After just one week using these formulas I couldn’t believe the difference. I just completed my first month and I know my body doesn’t just feel better but it’s actually finally healing. Dr. Tim has allowed me to share his formulas with you, so if you are interested let me know. Before I ever recommend supplements to patients I always try them myself to see the results. This is the first time in over 10 years I actually found some new ones I want to share with you. I want you to heal better and get the most of our treatment so you feel the best and heal the best. I am enjoying working out and running more without the pains in my joints from years of abuse playing competitive soccer. I am sleeping better at night which also helps the body heal. My shoulder that hurt all the time while adjusting patients is literally pain free for the first time in years. Not that I need to lose weight but I shed 5lbs while utilizing these synergistic health formulas.
Other important steps to help the body heal better include drinking more water, less caffeine, improved nutrition (some of these formulas help with your gut health to improve break down of your food), exercise, better sleep, mental well being and optimizing your nervous system with chiropractic adjustments.
We are halfway through 2019 and I want to help you, your family and friends be a healthier you! Tell me what your health goals are for the rest of the year! Also, please follow us on our facebook page by liking Chiropractor Freehold NJ – Russell Brokstein and make sure you “check in” on the page when you come in for your visits. I share a lot of health related posts that I hope you “Like” and share with your friends on facebook. Also subscribe to our youtube channel: Dr. Russell Brokstein Many patients have been enjoying our video tips and patient testimonials.
To Your Health and Wellness
Dr. Russell, Princess and Morgan
Hometown Family Wellness Center Where Health is a Lifestyle!