Every year millions of people are injured in car accidents. Even minor accidents as low as 3MPH can cause whiplash as well as chronic symptoms and disability. Many times people can present with pain not realizing it came from an accident 10 years ago or even much longer. So the question arises what is the best treatment for auto injuries?
Studies show chiropractic is one of the best treatment for auto injuries. Chiropractors help the tissues heel better by restoring normal function to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs and nerves. Rather than covering up symptoms

with medications or injections, chiropractic corrects the cause of the pain.
Following are reasons why chiropractic is the best treatment for auto injuries.
- Chiropractic Reduces Pain: Studies have shown how effective and safe chiropractic is in reducing pain. You may experience neck pain, back pain or even more widespread pain after a car accident. It is important to be treated immediately after auto accident to prevent pain all over and long term chronic disability. A 2014 study reported that people who received a chiropractic adjustment had increased levels of pain-reducing hormones in their bloodstream.
- Chiropractic Relieves Whiplash And Headaches: Our Freehold chiropractor wrote an article about this topic which you can read further clicking: Whiplash and Auto Injury?
- Chiropractic Corrects Range of Motion: Joints become misaligned in an accident. This causes restricted motion. Areas of the spine can also splint due to pain and inflammation. Motion is an important part of healing including reduction of swelling. The longer joints remain restricted you also get a build up of scar tissue and degeneration of the discs and joints. Chiropractic adjustments improve range of motion therefor increasing circulation.
- Chiropractic Reduces Swelling and Inflammation: Trauma to the musculoskeletal system during an accident causes stretching to the ligaments, tendons and muscles. Injuries can also occur to the discs. These impacts usually result in inflammation. After an accident many people get an X-ray which might show a broken bone but it will not show the inflammation. Many times people don’t feel immediate pain after an accident but there can be micro-traumas and inflammation. The next day or even weeks to months later you can start experiencing pain and stiffness. This occurs because the body is reacting to the inflammation from the previous accident. A study shows getting adjusted by a chiropractor helps reduce the swelling by releasing Interleukin 6 which is an anti-inflammatory of the body used to help heal acute injuries. The improved motion of the joints also acts like a pump to increase blood flow and removal of inflammation. Blood gets more oxygen and nutrients to the area to help the healing process.
- Chiropractic Breaks up Scar Tissue: Scar tissue is your body’s way to try and heal muscle, tendon and ligaments. Scar tissue is not as elastic or as strong as regular tissues. It’s important to help break up scar tissue to allow stronger tissue to be formed. Chiropractors adjust the joints that are restricted. This allows effective stretching and breaking up the scar tissue. In our Freehold chiropractic office we also use some soft tissue techniques to break up fibrotic tissues to allow for better healing.
- Chiropractic is STRESS Relieving: It is very stressful when somebody gets into an auto accident. The stress of injury, pain, dealing with the insurance and police, not able to work nor able to do normal daily activities. Anxiety, stress and depression are common. Studies show chiropractic for neck pain reduced brain activity that is responsible for pain and stress responses. Those adjusted also had significant reduction of cortisol levels. Patients in the study that got adjusted had lower pain scores and improved quality of life. A body that continues to be stressed recovers more slowly and results in chronic pain and degeneration.
- Chiropractic Helps Prevent Chronic Pain: It’s important to get treated as early as possible after a car accident. A couple studies around 2000 find those patients that receive mobilization treatment immediately after an accident recover more quickly and fewer residual problems. Getting joints moving optimally helps obtain this goal.
- Chiropractic WORKS! For many years studies have shown chiropractic is beneficial to help injuries from car accidents. A British study found 93% of patients showed dramatic improvement of their neck pain when receiving chiropractic. A Canadian study this year shows the most important factors in recovering quickly are spinal adjustments along with staying active.
Our chiropractor in Freehold NJ has been helping provide the best treatment for auto injuries the last 18 years. If you would like our free report click here: The Shocking Truth About Car Accident Injuries