Do you sit several hours a day at work? They say sitting is the new smoking. Sitting all day can cause many health problems. We are going to show you 4 simple stretches to do if you sit most of the day at work.
Sitting not only increases your risk of neck and back pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, leg pain and swelling. Research shows that you can reduce your chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and back pain, all with one simple lifestyle change: reduce the time you spend sitting. This is why so many people now benefit from getting standing desks.
Try these 4 simple stretches if you sit most of the day at work. These are so easy to do that you can do them right at your desk and they help relieve and prevent neck and back pain:
These stretches can help relieve the tension.
Stretch away the stress!
If you’re experiencing tightness and tension after sitting at a desk all day, stretching is a great stress reliever that can

help calm your mind while increasing blood flow to your muscles.
These stretches can help relieve the tension.
Remember to also get up and move around as often as possible during the day. Ask your employer if you can get a standing desk to help minimize health problems. Make sure you contact a local chiropractor to have your spine evaluated for the cause of your problem. Chiropractors find the cause and then correct it with gentle, non invasive adjustments to get pressure off the discs and nerves.
Share this with all your co-workers if you find these 4 simple stretches helpful. Take an easy proactive approach to help prevent future problems.
Make sure to visit our youtube channel to watch other stretching and health tips: Dr. Russell Brokstein – Hometown Family Wellness Center Where Health is a Lifestyle