Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life. In April we celebrate both Earth Day and Stress Awareness Month and there is a link between the two.

As always I like to share articles from one of my favorite sources and we start with the topic of Eco-Anxiety or Climate Anxiety. Please read more by clicking the title:
“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance, but by our disposition.” Martha Washington
Read The Happiness Curve
Food is indeed medicine and you know the saying, “You Are What You Eat.” Did you know that what you eat can improve your brain?
Read: Brain Food
More Healthy Recipes:
Grilled Lime Steak with Spring Vegetable Salad
Baked Lemon Tilapia with Cashew-Yogurt Sauce (I personally would replace Tilapia with a healthier white fish in this recipe)
I must share this great post by my colleague:
The addiction is real!!!!
Great post by my colleague Dr Clum
156 lbs.
The average woman today weighs 167, up from 141 in the ’60s, and the average man is 195.5, up from 167.
156 lbs……that is how much sugar the average American eats per year, according to the USDA.
That is 70,760 grams per year or 193.8 grams a day, or 775 calories which is 38.7% of a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet……in sugar.
The World Health Organization says we should limit our sugar consumption to 25 grams daily. So most Americans eat almost 800% of the WHO sugar intake guidelines. And that is for adults.
Kids eat 50% more!
While this sugar intake has increased dramatically, our fat intake has lowered.
What else went up beside our weight? EVERY chronic disease and certain ones exploded, like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, chronic pain, depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune disorders.
Yet people still have to have what they “like,” don’t they?
I don’t think most people like their weight or health status or poison their kids.
And I wouldn’t say I like paying higher insurance premiums to cover unhealthy people.
If sugar is on your list of things you eat because you just “like” it, or because you always ate it, or your parents ate that way, you could be fueling everything you don’t want in life.
We can do better.
Sugar detoxing is no joke. Some report it as a stronger addiction than cocaine. It is definitely more available and socially “pushed” everywhere.
Give up all sugar, and read your labels to be sure, for 5 days and see what happens.
Helpful tips to get through:
1. Drink lots of water
2. Use lots of whole sea salts in your food
3. Up the fat intake with each meal
4. Take apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before each meal (1 tsp-1 tbsp in water)
5. When you feel anxious, take a 5-minute or longer walk
And as always, tell us how it goes!
We can do better!
Dr. Don
One last topic of this week’s blog….

There are endless health benefits that take place with natural sunlight each day!
Boosts cognitive function
Fights depression
Supports better sleep
Enhances immune health
Promotes bone health
Promotes longevity
May help fight cancer
▪︎ Daily dose of sunlight is vital to your overall health and well-being! Just 10 minutes of sunlight can boost blood flow, reducing blood pressure, enhancing endorphin release, reducing stress, and calming your nervous system. Get your sunlight to help during Stress Awareness Month!
▪︎ How to tan without burning:
– Morning sunlight exposure and gradually increasing throughout the day.
▪︎ Eating an animal-based diet high in healthy fats/proteins will allow your skin to absorb the sunlight without burning. This also increases your Vitamin D internally, which helps you absorb sunlight!
▪︎ Staying hydrated with +
▪︎ Lose the shades … this reduces the production of melanin (makes your skin tan).
▪︎ Despite what you have learned throughout the years, sunlight is NOT bad for you. Sunscreens are loaded with chemicals and many of which have high amounts of carcinogens, increasing the rates of skin cancer. What feeds this? Junk from the inside out…seed oils, sugars, oxalates, and lack of sun exposure. Diet is key, and truly what you put in will reflect out.
▪︎ Go get your Vitamin D boost going! Your body and mind will thank you.
Please remember, I take a different approach to optimizing your recovery and overall health, not only correcting the musculoskeletal imbalances but providing the body with the nutrients it needs. It’s time to help friends and family wake up and gain their health back too. How many times do you hear them complain about how they feel, pain, tired and just sick and tired of being sick and tired? Stress Awareness Month is no better time to share our unique, natural approach to optimizing health naturally.
Share the info I give to you and have your friends and family Give us a call 732-780-0044
Or schedule online