The majority of times people come into our Freehold Chiropractic office with pain and they don’t know what was the cause. They either tell me that they woke up with the pain, they bent over to pick up something they dropped on the floor or something like I just got up from my chair and couldn’t move. So what was the straw that broke your back?
Many times there isn’t an accident, trauma or other event that is THE cause. One has to think of every little thing from the time you were born that accumulates stress into your body. When you were born the doctor pulled on your

head and neck to deliver you. Learning to walk you probably fell a couple thousand times. Do you have brother and sisters? If so, did you ever fight, push each other over? What do you think the effects of sitting at desks at schools or carrying heavy backpacks can have on your neck and back? Do you play sports and experience injuries? Sitting at a desk using a computer all day puts pressure on the neck, shoulders and back. Did you know there is a new condition called “text neck”? Think of texting on your phone with your head bent forward and down looking at that phone. Have you ever had a fender bender? Just a 3 MPH bumper hit is enough to cause a whiplash injury. Do you sleep on your stomach? If you sleep on your side or back do you use proper support with a pillow? When you lift things do you always bend with your knees using proper form? How about when you are exercising are you lifting the correct ways? If you are a woman and wear high heels, do you know the imbalances it causes throughout your legs and spine? Everybody wears shoes that aren’t properly fitted for them which causes foot pronation, which when walking like this is like driving a car with misaligned tires.
So, there is no straw that broke your back! It’s the accumulative effects of everything you have done since you were born that has built up until your body cant take it anymore. Imagine never brushing your teeth or going to the dentist until you have pain or rotting teeth, driving your cars for years before getting oil, lube, filter or wheels aligned and breaks adjusted OR never having your air conditioner or heater checked until they break down. Instead you know it makes sense to do things to maintain your car, your teeth and appliances. Your spine is the most important part of your body as it protects your nervous system which controls all functions of your body. Doesn’t it make sense to maintain it? It deserves the best care to maintain and prevent problems. So don’t wait for the straw that broke your back! Chiropractors are the only doctors that help prevent and maintain your body and health! When was your last adjustment?