Now that it is fall and the days are getting shorter there is less sunlight. When there is less sun exposure it has a big effect on your health! Lets discuss some important fall health tips:
1) Vit D, which is important for bone and immunity health, decreases. Many people have low vitamin D levels as it is

and fall makes the matters worse. It’s important to take a quality Vit D supplement to boost your levels. Most vitamins don’t provide sufficient amounts of Vit D. Following are some healthy supplements I take and recommend to help boost your Vit D and immune health:
- Complete multi-vitamin with antioxidants and omegas. You could find out more and get yours by clicking this link: Daily Essential Multi Vitamin
- Ionix supreme is a supplement I’ve taken every day for the last 10 years. It helps with hair, nail, bone growth, boosts the immune system, balance the body’s systems, energizes cells to support recovery and supports clarity and focus. I make this like a warm tea ever morning: Ionix Supreme
- Immune Shake Booster is a blend of science-supported ingredients that help prime, strengthen and balance the immune system for better overall health: Immune Shake Booster
- Isamune is an immunity support spray that instantly delivers natural, immune health supporting compounds. It helps keep the immune system health, containing natural, immune supporting ingredients: Isamune
- Defenseshield is in our new line of essential oils. It is a blend of essential oils to promote immune health: Defenseshield
2) Seasonal affective disorder can cause depression
3) Serotonin, the happiness hormone, decreases
4) Catch early morning rays to prep melatonin levels for better sleep. To supplement for brain and sleep support we have another great supplement: Sleep Support Renewal
Another important addition to the fall health tips: Many people drink caffeine and this affects your hormones. Coffee, energy drinks, sodas and other products destroy your adrenal glands which produce adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol and DHEA. I recommend people eliminate caffeine from their diet but at least limit it. Even one cup a day of coffee is enough to severely limit the function of your adrenal glands. Sugar also causes adrenal fatigue!
If these hormones are reduced it can lead to heart conditions, digestive problems, joint problems, immune problems, allergies, diabetes, weight problems, PMS, menopause, decreased libido and other conditions. We can do a simple test in our office to determine your adrenal function and recommend natural healthy supplements to boost them if they are not functioning well.
Most important of all fall health tips: A treatment for all people to improve the immune system is getting adjusted. Did you know people that get adjusted regularly have an improvement in immune system by 200%? If you and your family aren’t getting adjusted, why not?
Let our top rated chiropractor in Freehold NJ help you and your family be more healthy this fall. You will be less sick by boosting your immune system and getting an edge with natural chiropractic care.