The Low Testosterone Epidemic Affecting Men AND Women!
Both men AND women are experiencing a Low Testosterone Epidemic!!
Hormone imbalances are the biggest reason you don’t feel like a motivated and capable human, that’s why I call them the “feel good” molecules!
Testosterone deficiency has been detected in up to 40% of adult males, age being the most reliable indicator. We can’t ignore the growing concern around plummeting sperm counts among men.
Evidence shows that many women — pre-menopausal and post-menopausal — suffer from testosterone deficiency.
Symptoms are subtle, affecting sexual desire, satisfaction, mood, and are commonly mistaken as depression, prompting psychotherapy, when hormone measurements would be more fruitful.
In one study, Dr. Malone: In the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, a new study is reporting that low testosterone in men can mean a shorter life span. This meta-analysis of 11 studies, involved more than 24,000 subjects may be the most definitive done on the subject. The data from this study show that men with low total testosterone concentrations had higher risks for all-cause mortality and that men with testosterone concentrations below 5.3 nmol/L (<153 mg/dL) had an increased risk of cardiovascular death. In addition, the relationship between dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, all-cause and CVD mortality is complex (nonlinear) as both low levels of DHT (below 0.59 nmol/L) and high levels of DHT (above 2.45 nmol/L) had a higher risk for all-cause mortality and/or CVD events.
Low Free Testosterone and increasing estrogen leads to menopause and andropause
But, many think testosterone is only important for men but ladies…. your testosterone is more abundant than your estrogen through every stage of life. When your estrogen levels start taking over, that’s when health issues occur. Research suggests that embracing the fact that women possess higher testosterone levels can lead to a shift in how we approach health.
From improving brain health, enhancing bone density to optimizing muscle strength, this knowledge paves the way for a new perspective on overall well-being for women.
Testosterone is Queen/KING for sex drive and muscle mass but did you know it can also help with:
-Improved energy
– Bone density
– Heart health
– Improved sleep
– Reduced anxiety
– Improved mood
– Increased confidence
Every day we are bombarded by hormone disruptors. Also, doctors tell people to get their total cholesterol below 200. Cholesterol is important for hormone production. On top of that, cholesterol lowering drugs affects hormones further. Recent studies highlight lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and mounting stress levels as key contributors to the decline in Free Testosterone.
Optimizing women and men’s T balance is more important than total T. Optimizing free T provides more energy and less harmful hormones.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and simply forcing those hormones higher or lower with synthetics/bio-identicals causes bigger problems. Giving the body hormones it should be producing on its own, only shuts down organ production more, creating a bigger problem that will eventually need addressing, while increasing risk of other dysfunction/diseases….stroke, heart attack, and blood clots, cancer, and more…!
What if there were a safe and causative low testosterone solution to get the body manufacturing more? Epic T is a natural formula to help the Low Testosterone epidemic
My colleague and friend, Dr Tim Harrigan is a functional medicine practitioner and he studies how specialized food molecules balance our hormones and inhibit bad molecules like estrogen and dihydrotestosterone conversions.
Women and men all need help with the low testosterone epidemic.
Clinically studied, safe and effective, more certifications than anything you have ever seen…The highly professional Hormone Health/Nootropic Powerhouse has arrived. This efficient and secure solution offers numerous benefits for the brain, mood, muscle, bone health, and libido while effectively inhibiting dihydrotestosterone, estrogen conversion, and PDE5/blood flow.
You can Reclaim Your Hormonal Health Without Risking Dangerous Side Effects of HRT!
Unlock your body’s potential with our cutting-edge nutritional supplement! No more harmful side effects—just pure, natural support to help you thrive. Discover the next generation of wellness and elevate your health journey today!