Do you have any health problems that concern you? Have you tried one medical doctor after another just prescribing medications that at most just cover up your symptoms but at the same time cause side effects that you end up needing more medications from. Well there is a better way to lead you to actual health so you can finally gain your life back and enjoy your normal activities.
There are 3 causes to poor health:
1) Physical trauma to the spine will cause pressure on nerves therefore interfering with the messages being sent thru your nervous system. Our body’s organs, tissues and cells all function based on these messages going thru the nerves. Throughout our lifetime we experience traumas that accumulate that will put pressure on the nerves therefore affecting the functioning of our body. From the time you’re born, how many times do you fall when you first learn to walk, playing sports, sitting at desks at schools, carrying heavy books, auto accidents/fender benders, carrying a pocket book or brief case, missing a step or curb. I can keep going but think you get the point. If we can find where these traumas are building up, we can remove the pressure to the nervous system so your body will function more optimally.
2) We all experience stress..especially in these days and times. Well most people do things that affect how our bodies deal with stress. The 2 biggest things that decrease our body’s ability to deal with stress are drinking caffeine and eating simple carbs/sugars. By consuming these products it affects our adrenal glands which are also called the stress glands. They produce the hormones of the body: adrenaline, cortisol, norepephrine and DHEA. When these hormones aren’t at proper levels, it will lead to: heart conditions, digestive problems, sleep problems, fatigue, allergies, diabetes, weight issues, arthritic conditions, immune problems, PMS, monopause symptoms, libido problems…the list goes on and on and I’m sure you will realize these are many of the health issues you and most people you know experience. Well covering up these symptoms with medications isn’t the solution. With a simple one minute non invasive test, we can find this problem and correct it with simple dietary and supplentary suggestions.
3) The final problems is toxicity. Everything we eat, breath and drink has chemicals in them. These chemicals build up in our body cause our body to be more toxic and more acidic. Our body is a filter system yet we neglect it. Think of your car, air conditioner, refrigerator and other appliances. We know if we dont change the filters the efficiency of those machines decreases. Well we have to clean out our filter systems and it can be done naturally. First we can do a 5 second test to see how toxic the body is.
By taking a more naturalistic approach to our health, we can correct these 3 health issues and you will be more healthy naturally. Isn’t it time to take a different approach to health and wellness?