Would you neglect your teeth and wait until they decay?
🦷 You can get a new set of gold teeth if you’d like…. But what can you replace your spine or central nervous system with?!
Spinal issues are the most common cause of disability, yet most people don’t pay attention to it until it hurts….
Makes sense though, when you understand most people also need a heart attack to pay attention to their cardiovascular function….
From the time you and your children are born, your spine is put thru stresses that cause the vertebrae to misalign. Think of the stresses put on an infant when it is being delivered, the medical doctor pulling on the baby’s head and twisting the neck and shoulders. How many times does an infant fall while learning how to walk causing impact to all the joints? The everyday traumas from kids playing sports, accidents tripping or falling, carrying heavy books, sitting in bad postures in school or while using their cell phones and computers. Other accidents while driving a car, whiplash and even sleeping positions, poor support from shoes, etc. All these micro traumas add up causing spinal joints to misalign. Over time this leads to degeneration and decay but also pressure on the nervous system.
Everyone has teeth and you’ve been taught to brush and go to the dentist from a young age to prevent cavities and improve dental hygiene. What would happen if you waited until you had tooth pain, receding gums or cavities before you went to a dentist or started brushing your teeth? What would happen if you only brushed your teeth once a week or every now and again when you feel like it.
Everyone has a spine and nervous system! Imagine if everybody would go to a chiropractor from infancy to help prevent spinal and disc degeneration while improving spinal hygiene. There are stretches and exercises that help prevent and maintain. We could reduce back and neck pain. We could optimize nervous system flow thereby optimizing health naturally!
You can replace your teeth but you CANNOT replace your spine or nervous system!
If you are in the area, contact the The Freehold Award’s Program Best Chiropractor in Freehold NJ at 732-780-0044 or schedule right on our website: www.chiropractorfreehold.com